Saturday, August 13, 2005

About a show.

Tuesday, August 16th at the A/V Space


the fun starts at 8pm, and there is a 3 dollar "pretty please" donation.

I am terribly exited about this show and I hope many of you people can make it.

From 490W get off at monroe ave exit, take a left on monroe, take a right on north union, (its a one way) take a right into the public market (through a huge iron gate that says public market, cant miss it) veer to the left side of the parking lot, look for small white sign on sidewalk that says A / V, Go up the stairs towards the fun.

From 490 E get off at monroe ave, and take a right... then follow the above directions.

* north union street is the street that the bug jar is on, so basically take a right at the bug jar...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Avengers! Assemble!

So lately I have been reading a book called Blue Like Jazz, and another book called Travelling Mercies One is by Don Miller, and the other by Anne Lamott. Both are very good, honest books about christian spirituality. Or whatever. You should really check them out if your interested in that sort of thing. Other than that it has been comic books. Thats right. The Avengers, Captain America, Young Avengers, and House Of M have all found their way into my hands recently. Its getting pretty bad. And by that I mean good. Whenever I buy comics it feels like a secret pleasure that only I feel. It starts with seeing new cool looking comics with big muscular spectacular heroes on the cover, then I nearly squeal with joy as I run upstairs to my bedroom, knowing that soon, my wide, child like eyes will read about the adventures of... some fantastic super hero. Heres a rundown:

The New Avengers:(#1-8) well after some disasturous event, some of the team members died, and the rest quit. Well now, Captain America and Iron Man are assembling a new team. Which so far is awesome. It features none other than Spider Man (!), Luke Cage, Spider Woman, Wolverine (!!!), and of course Captain America, and Iron Man. I mean dang. This is one of the Worlds Greatest Comic Magazines after all. So far they uncovering some huge plot that involves S.H.E.I.L.D. and some huge coverup thing. They've fought over 90 villians at a prison break, Electro, Sauron, and The Wrecker. Oh man, the Wrecker nearly beat the half of the team he was fighting. Nearly.

House of M #1 This is the begining of the big summer marvel blockbuster. So far, the Avengers and the X-Men teamed up to go decide weather or not to put down the Scarlet Witch, whose powers are on the fritz. When they arrive, Magneto, her father, has taken her away somewhere... and when they arrive at her supposed location, everything goes white. Spider man wakes up later....married to a different woman than MJ!!! Cliff hanger!

In other news, Johnny, my brother will be filling in for paul at the show thats on the 16th... so that will be FUN times. I hope to see you two there.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Ju-Jajuba is alive.

Somehow I have managed to obtain a purevolume page. Check out the first fruits of our labor. Its a reeeeally rough version that shalt be updated once a more respectable version is recorded, but, until then, you may, if you wish, listen to our first song.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Shows Baby.

First post in a while... most will probably not read this. However I feel the distinct need to invite you all to some shows that I had a hand in organizing.

This Sunday:

The Castanets
Wooden Wand and the Vanishing Voice
I Heart Lung

July 17th, the Bug Jar, (8-11PM) 6$/8$

This is one that I am terribly exited about, because the Castanets are a very good, and strange group, mainly comprised of one guy creating all sorts of strange sounds while remaining solidly within the avant-country/dark-folk vein. The other two bands sound great too. I'm only famliar with I Heart Lung, which is a drone/free jazz sort of guitar drum duo that should be great. So come on out and see a show with me everybody. Its going to be one of those shows that you'll thank yourself for going later.

(links to check out the bands with: Castanets, I Heart Lung)

Also, I have managed to organize a show with Cameron, (the guy who DJ'd our show at matt's basement) at the A/V Space, that will feature the mighty Bizzart. If you are unfamiliar with Bizzart, you should know he is a deconstructionalist hip hop artist who pushed the label for avant guard hip hop with his full length Ear Drung a year or so ago. He is the man. You can listen to some of his stuff at He has worked with soul-junk a number of times, and his sound is similar to their noise-hop romps.

Anyways, the show is happening on the 16th of August, at the A/V Space. it will feature Dummy Destroy (Cameron) Bizzart, and Gaybot. Its going to be nuts. Oh and my band is going to open Lord willin'.

You can ooh and ah about it here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

So much to say.

School is finally, completely done with. I am most likely graduating. Now I can at last focus on some music without any collegiate worries. (until i go for my next 2 years) Epilogue played a show at the penny last saturday that went horribly. It involved joel and brice coughing up 250 dollars, a surly, hungover soundman (with haste the day gym shorts) and a guitar, being played by myself that was tuned a half step off.

Joel and Brice got their money back by the end of the night luckily, but that didn't save our nerves. Alethes Metanoia rocked the house however. It was good to see someone do well. And of course Save Us did their thing. Which is... rocking.

Other than that, there are other big things going on. Thats right people you can preorder sufjan stevens new album for 10 bucks, and it will ship weeks earlier than it's july 5th release date. (check asthamtic kitty . com for that) THAT is big news my friends. If you didn't know, sufjan is a genious. Here is where you can find a new song by him. Please, if you have never heard him before, take a listen or two to that song. Music is supposed to sound like that.

Also, Joy Electric is putting out a 7 inch on republic of texas records. This will be our, (mines and paul's i mean) first taste of what his new album will sound like. I know what your thinking, "it will sound just like his other billion records you nerd.." But alas, you ears are too bone-headed and thick to pick up on the subtle differences of the sugary, delicate bleeps and bloops that make up Ronnie Martin's soul in audible form, try though you may.

Joy Electric Dot Com.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Show Today we are probably going to rock and fall apart

We are actually playing at the Penny Arcade today everybody. We are playing around 4 o clock, and the doors open at 3:00pm. Save Us is headlining, and in case you've havent heard, they are the junk. Im talking syncopated, sassy, speed punk with proficient musicianship. Theres another band I don't the name of.... but their from finney so its all fam. And of course John, JJ, and Phil's collective known as Alethie's Metanoi will be playing some sophisticated, epic rock and or roll. So show up if you can for some reason. we should start at at 4. probably. I really don't know.

When there's nothing else to beleive in, beleive in hope.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

My Dad and the Pawn Shop.

My dad is an interesting fellow. He is over 50 years old. He works for the city. He inspects buildings to make sure they are "up to code". His area is the worst area in the city, Avenue D. But despite dealing with drug dealers, and difficult landlords, and such, sometimes his job pays off.

He recently brought me and my little brother john and his friend Phil to a pawn shop on north clinton. it was called Cash King. We walked in, and an older hispanic man was sitting behind a huge plastic screen, while vcr's tv's, were all piled up along the wall. "Hey Rapheal," my dad says to the guy "how you doin?" My dad goes through a door to the other side and chats with him, while me and john check out some of their amps. This was why we had come. "they got amps" our dad had told us, so we grabbed a bass and jumped in the car. Our eyes inspected every inch of these suckers. There was a big TNT 100, that claimed 150 watts of bass amplification. An there was a keyboard amp that claimed something similar. John had already plugged in his bass to the big one and was laying down some serious funk (causing some other surly looking customers to remark "hell yes. play that sh*!") And well a keyboard amp is just what I need for Ju-Jajuba's material, and Joel will be happy not to play through that acoustic amp anymore. So we gave Dad the "yes we want these amps dad, buy them and we'll pay you back" nod, and my dad starts talking to them about the price. The big bass amp had a sticker on it that said $150. Rapheal looked at me and john, then at the amps, and said "70 bucks, for both". Me and john grinned, said a thousand thanks, and began hauling these monsters out of the store.

Thats just one of the many things my dad can do. He can get get us huge amps from the hood.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Ju-Jajuba Happenings.

I figured out some new things on my Synthesizer and am now pumped about Ju-Jajuba. I can sequence an entire song on my Korg-Electribe, and after filtering it through Joel's Keyboard, it sounds fantastic. Very Joy Electricish, but still Ju-Jajuba to the max. Hopefully we will get a few more songs done on the synth, and then be able to put some up on purevolume. Just thought I would let you all know. Ju-Jajuba is coming

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

More good stuff from Real Live Preacher.

Good ol' RLP really holds it down. I just found some essays he wrote that really beg to be shared.

The first is about faith, its called Going down with the ship

and the other is called How to Find A Church.

Both of them are quite good. Gordon is very refreshing to hear, very honest, very real.

But anyways... How is everyone doing?

Monday, May 02, 2005

West Side Rundown.

It went well. It was the first time the band was out of the basement, so it was fun and scary. We were the first in a string of bands I already mentioned, all of whom we hadn't heard, so we were all nervous and giddy and excited. I was pretty tired all that day, but the nerves woke me up on stage.

The sound was incredible, moniters, speakers, all this stuff we wern't used to. No more combo amps in basements, this felt like we were in a freaking colliseum. I looked around at the crowd and got pretty nervous... it was mostly teeny bopper girls, and barely coming of age guys, mixed in with band guys and friend-of-band-guys. None of them would proabably have an open mind about our songs. Heck, not even I really get our songs... do they suck? are they interesting enough to be considered "good"? Do I like them? Do I not like them when im in a room full of critics?

I was hella nervous during our sound check, but after opening up my mouth I realized that I sounded good coming out of this sounds system thing and loosened up. So then we all got down and tried to calm down before we started in half an hour.

Seven thirty rolls around, my family shows up which made me really happy, Sue and Mikey had never heard us play so that was great. Then all of the sudden everyone starts showing up. Suprisingly, John, JJ, Phil, (Alethies Metanoia) the esteemed Paul Ganguly, and Andrew Russo, and even Joanna and Joy Hagan. What the flip? Where did these people some from? I said Hi to them on the microphone. Then we started playing. I felt real weird talking about the "story" in front of a bunch of people who were just terribly confused, but stuttered a few words about it, and then played some more. All of the songs turned out really good. At least on our end. And I talked the sound guy into playing a telletubbies video on the big screen behind us while we played "Gerald's Daydream" which was great. I had a good time. But I think I was scarred a little by the audiences general confusion. All my friends really thought it was great and all that which was good to hear. And my bandmates just thought it was great that the audience was confused. "Thats what its all about." "Who cares! you gotta be ready for that!" they said. I guess their right. Its just not as easy as playing in a basement full of friends and family. Now thats a good time. I do want to get this playing in front of strangers thing down too, but its tricky.

The other bands were good too. Pelican't served some alt rock, with a great cover of "Yellow" among other kind of weezerish rock songs. Then Save Us DESTROYED the stage with some power emo screamo speed punk. All of the members of that band are just really talented. And while emo punk aint my cup of tea any more, I really had a good time watching them and would have bought a t-shirt had they had some available. They tore it up. Hopefully we will do a show with them sometime soon.
Undeveloped story had arguably the most fun on stage, just completely rocking out and pumping some three chord, punk songs like it was their job, and they were 16. Because they were 16, and it was their job. It was fun to see, because man, when I was 16, that is EXACTLY what I wanted to do. And here these kids are doing it, in front of throngs of screaming girls at that. They also were the ones who set up the show, so big ups to them for throwing us a bone and letting us play.

So it was a good time, now the remainder of my time will not be spent on memorizing lyrics or stressing out. now I can write some more songs, Ju-jajuba it up, and go buy a Synth drum machine on thursday... or friday. Life is good.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

This Week.

It still doesn't feel like school has actually started. Probably because I missed an entire schoolday yesterday. But I have an excuse. The power was out. When I was little, the power being out was like a get out of jail free car.
"Mom can we have hot cocoa and graham crackers and stay up mad late?"


"But Mom, the powers out."

"Oh all right. But just this once."

Then we'd all bust out the candles and get all freaked out when you have to go to the bathroom in the dark by yourself, and you can't see where your peeing, you just judge by the sound of things. "Yea I must be doing this right."

Thats sorta what happened monday night over here. I was reading before Iwent to bed and all the lights and clocks shut off in my room. So I go downstairs and Jim and Jeff are frying canadian bacon. That did it for me, we all fried up all kind of meats and eggs and ate at a table filled with candles. It was fantastic. But then I refused to get up on time for school, and finally got up at like 1 thirty or something. Pretty terrible. But nothing new.

The night before I saw Melt Banana, which is a Japanese Noise-Core band form Tokeo Japan. Yes, it was just as awesome as it sounds. No words can describe the "video arcade getting trampled by a herd of buffalo" sound this band conjured up. Actually those words almost do it. I got a t-shirt.

I've been writing a new song for Epylogue that I'm very excited about. I'm also very nervous about this show coming up. It could go either way. Really well, or really awkward. I just hope the crowd has an open mind to non emo-punk slower music.

I listened to both of Anberlin's albums with headphones while I tried to sleep. Their both so good. The second one has all these tiny things that you could only catch fully with headphones on. I love hearing those things for the first time. After that, to try and go to sleep I pretended we were playing the show and I was singing all the songs in my head and then doing between song banter. That usually helps me get to sleep, but this time it didn't.

I bought a tellatubbies video at record archive and I'm dying to try setting it to music. I just need Joel. And fortuneately, he is coming over today.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Melt Banana is playing tonight at the bug jar, and Jeff Brice is spending the week at my house. Oh, and we have a show on friday. Its a good week.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Saturday April 23rd
Mercury radio theatre
Seven Head Division
1 more tba
7pm-5 bux

anyone want to go?

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Friday, April 29th, We will be playing at Brian's church... so if anyone wants to come, well that would be fabulous.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

"throw your hands up, throw them up, throw them up."

Heres Jeff and Paul, the better looking half of the band.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Dave has just made a stellar point. and that stellar point is this:

Blindside/Showbread/The Showdown
June 25th – Club Tundra, Syracuse, NY – tickets on sale 4/23/05

Somebody hold me.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

There are some wonderful people on this planet.

I feel very compelled to share this link to Stephen Christianson's blog. He's the singer in Anberlin. (you know, that band.) And he is quite the thinker/writer. Very inspiring stuff. Please read.

Stephen Christianson:
Related: (another good blogger)
Tooth and Nail Records.

This label has always treated me right. No other label on the Christian market has the uncanny knack of signing some of the best music around, and wrapping it in a drool worthy package. (praise the lord for Asterisk Studios! Prasie Him on high!) Even haters have to give TnN props for signing Mewithoutyou, when we were all like "whats this singer doing?" the first time we heard them. Turns out that band happens to be filled with madmen. Go figure. And signing the mighty Joy Electric ten years ago? bravo brandon ebel, bravo.

But, is anyone else disturbed by the growing number of teen-punk bands on the label? This should come as no suprise, Tooth and Nail did sign MxPx back in the day, who opitimized teen-pop-punk. But still, TnN seems to be at a sort of awkward crossroads. There are the teeny-emo-punk bands, right along side the intelligent, indie-rock bands, and other bands that just plain rock.

But this split in the style of music on the label must be on purpose. Hawk Nelson, FM Static, and Thousand foot Krutch must be selling tons of records on the CCM market, and that must be what make them so attractive to the label. (God forbid they should like the music.) And it wouldn't flip me out so much if the contrasts between the bands weren't so large.

I mean, Tooth and Nail has some really original bands. Like Joy Electric, and Mewithoutyou. Both have very distinct styles, and seem pretty content doing their own thing. Both top my lists of favorite artists too, which make Tooth and Nail something Im in a sort of relationship with. (which is why I pick it apart so)

Then you have the teeny bopper music. FM Static and Hawk Nelson rule this catagory. Throw Side Walk Slam in there if you want. All of them sing highschoolish anthems with more pop than 94.1 would dare play.

Then you have the bands that are a step up from these. They rock, and may fall into "emo" or screamo, or "rock and roll" catragorys, but there is a decided maturity. Look at Sullivan, Waking Ashland, Slow Coming Day, Number One Gun.

Then there are the bands that absolutely without a doubt tear it up. In my opinon, Emery rules the emo world with an iron fist. They bring an original take on the typically uniform emotional yelps, and their songs are unique and flowing and have freaking texture for crying out loud. Mae, a band that many people describe as "girly music" are phenomenal musicians, and bring a fresh take on everything sweet rock has to offer. Their new album "the everglow" should lay to rest any fears of them taking a turn for the worse. Anberlin has transformed into the greek god of pure arena rock. And their new album drips with so much sass and testosterone, it will make you want to wear tight leather pants while riding an elephant. (the afformentioned Mewithoutyou and Joy Electric fit in here as well)

Then there are these new dorky bands that I'm exited about. They've signed five bands recently, the grungy looking Terminal (don't ask), the emotional car wreck Sullivan, the sweet girl boys Waking Ashland, and the more indie sounds of Eager Seas and Discover America.

Those last two bands are the ones im pumped about. Finally Tooth and Nail is watching out for the nerds. Discovering America is the project of Chris Staples, the former lead singer of Twothirtyeight. Here he's made some sort of weird half synth, half guitars, dirty lo-fi beats with clean vocals kind of band. In other words, it sounds good. His stuff on Myspace and Purevolume sounds dope. And frigging Eager Seas, born out of remains of Watashi Wa, have some how made music that is incredible, immediate, and simple. I don't know why, but their really great.
There is a good conversation going on over at Gina's Livejournal currently. Look lively.

Monday, April 11, 2005

So the show went suprisingly well for us.

The night before we were practicing late, and we decided on "the Epilogue" for our name. We then realized that we didn't know if anyone was actually coming to the show besides about 8 friends. So saturday morning good brother Jim called everyone in existance for me while we cleaned out matts basement for the show.

5pm, me Paul and Joel started practicing, and run into trouble with "geralds daydream"... just can't get that synth solo to flow right for some reason.. grrr... Brian Jackson shows up and starts setting up his array of equipment. No sign of Brice yet though... we begin to perspire.

5:30pm We get very frustrated with geralds daydream and almost decide not to play it. Jeff still has not shown up. Cameron does. We stop practicing. Cam sets up his drool worthy dj equipment/noise makers. (and hooks us up to the PA system, which was wonderfully loud.)

6pm People begin to show up, Emily, Beth, Cori, Kate, Matt, Sean and the Twenty Ps gang, and then, more and more people. Jim, Sam, Ben (looking like he had just taken some speed), Chrystal and such. Still no sign of my parents. Will they catch Ju-jajuba? Laughing and talking fills the basement as Cameron unleashes a torrent of hip-hop and bizzare indie rock.

6:30pm Brice shows up! He convinces us to keep "geralds daydream" in the setlist, (he didn't hear the touble we having previously, thank God.

7pm The place is absolutely packed. I start to get butterflys. I go to the bathroom for the 5th time, recite the entire Ju-jajuba song, and then go downstairs. Everyone was there, it was wonderful, I get John to get on the drums, I don the guitar and me and Cori perform as Ju-Jajuba for the first time. I ask into the microphone if my parents are here yet. They aren't. I stall... then finally decide to start the song. It went wonderfully, probably due to the fact that everyone was very amused that me and Cori started a band, and that we were'nt kidding. Or were we? Thanks to everyone who sang along, that made it alot easier. My parents show up while we're playing. Hooray!

7:45 Me and Brian finally manage to get Twenty PS's stuff all sounding decent. And their set begins. I had never seen them play before, and was very exited. They really took me back to highschool with their Dashboard meets Indie rock triple guitar melody laden songs. Adam is a really good frontman for them, commanding the attention of the room with bleeding heart sincerity. Jake added some nice acoustic backup melodies for adam, and Matt stole my attention the entire time by laying down some nice sounding solos on the electric guitar the entire time. Sean does what only he can and picked up, slapped, and revamped some of the songs with new energy on the drums. It was very nice. In between songs everyone was shouting nice things at them, which really helped start things off in a very loving way. Thats what was so great about having all of our friends there. There was alot of love between everyone. I was smiling ear to ear for most of the night.

8:30ish It was time for us to get on stage, so we all started setting up, and tuning and attempting to calm down. I must say that Jeff and Brian are two of the most chill looking people to play with, I just had to look at them and I realized that everything was fine. I was very nervous about remembering alot of the lyrics, and was saying them over and over out loud while doing a sound check. Finally we were ready. I really tried to make sure the atmosphere was loose, and shared a little about the story, and then started playing our first song. The whole set went like a dream, and we were showered with applause in between songs like anything. Some highlights were Paul's newfound double bass talents being unlocked live. He absolutely destroyed some of our songs like he never has in practice. It was awe inspiring. I nearly put down my guitar because he drums starting talking at some point I swear. Brice also held it down on the bass like only he can. Despite not practicing with us at all recently he played every song beautifully. I couldn't hear Brian or myself very well on the guitar but I think we did fine... Joel nailed the songs on the keyboard/synth end. And despite some odd vocal moments by me, the songs played well, and everyone had a really good time. I really didn't know if anyone would like it that much, because while I like all of our songs, they don't really have choruses, or extremely catchy one liners, or bouncy energy... so I didn't know how they would come off in a live setting. Everyone sat down, and listened intently, which turns out is the best way to hear us I suppose. Like your listening to a story.

That makes me a little nervous about playing bars, mainly because the people there would not be our friends, and also because its not as homey as matt's basement. But none the less, I think we will sometime...

9ish Me and John and JJ and Phil take the "stage" as Alethie's Metanoia, and for some reason despite a good and funny soundcheck song, our songs comepletely fell apart on us. Which was VERY frustrating, because we played them FINE at practice. I think that there was a lot of nerves, and whatever else. We also didn't get to practice since Sunday, so that didn't help. So after a VERY frustrating four songs, I layed down on the floor, while they played an instrumental and a piano based song that came out wonderfully. Whew! finally the night was over! and I could relax..

Cameron played late into the night... mixing all sorts of funky things, he is definelty the BESTdj I have ever heard. It was heaven just to sit and watch him do his thing. You can watch for any shows he might DJ at over at the A/V. His moniker is Dummy Destroy.

Thank you so much to everyone who came and watched us play. That was very nice of you all. We may have to do it again sometime. For those who are curious about the story, some lyrics may be found here.

Also, it turns out the Epilogue is the name of about four bands on alone, so we may need another name... suggestions are encouraged. I like: O Gentle Doves, Sing! Tree! Sing!, or The Forest League, The Singing Tree, Trail of Embers, Giving Ends. Sudden Leaves, Tiny Embers...a giving end. Thoughts?

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

WovenHand Live Dates? no love from Cornerstone. No love.

WovenHand @Cornerstone Festival, Bushnell, IL June 30, 2005

Coming Soon: WovenHand US tour in July/August 2005 ....Check back soon for details.

I just found this on the SoundsFamilyre site. No love from the c-stone organizers the past two years... now they decide to get friendly with Woven Hand. Its far too late.

Date Change Jump on it!

Ok so the aforementioned show is now going to be going down on Saturday. Getting all these bands in one place is not easy. I hope some of you can still come though...

April 9th
Matt's basement. 6pm
Free obviously.

call for directions

Monday, April 04, 2005

Real Live Preacher

Recently published a really good article on real Christianity, honesty, and bumping into strangers. Its really good. Really, actually, pretty interesting and good. Here it is.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Upcoming show! Sunday! April 10th at Matt's Basement. 7pm. free admission obviously.

For those of you who didn't know, me and a bunch of my friends are putting on a show soon. This will be the first show we've ever assembled and will feature all the friends of ours who are in bands. Well... a few of them. This will be Epilogue's 2nd show ever, and Ju-Jajuba's first, making the evening super special. Also, matt's brother Cameron, will possibly be DJing in between sets, dropping beats like its all he's got left. His one man band Dummy Destroy, if you haven't seen him play before, is sick. So watch out for that.

The bands playing are:
Alethis Metanoia: If you haven't seen these guys you really need to. Comprised of JJ Givens, Phil Herford (on the what? oh the violin), John Lake (I know him), and me fillin in on the bass until they get a real one and kick me out. These guys have written some epic, sweeping, intelligent rock and soul that will beat the mess out of you or something.

Epilogue (although thats not our name really) This is the band that I'm the most involved in so far. Its a collection of some of my best friends: Joel Dow, Paul Scota, Brian Jackson, and Jeff Brice. We write songs that tell a story about a little boy and a little girl who meet and build a raft and go to a magical forest on an island. Its really a ton of fun to write and play with these guys and at this particular show, we have a few suprises in store...

Twenty PS : Emotional, heartfelt, triple guitar threat from my pals Adam, Sean, Jake, and the esteemed Matt Farrish. These guys put together some very nice melodic, electric-acoustic songs that sound fantastic live. Bring tissues.

Ju-Jajuba: This is a band I just formed with Cori. We aim to create evocative, hook laden preschool power pop. (Don't worry we only have one song so far)

The show is basically just for our friends and our friends friends, and we just want to have a good time and hang out while hearing some great tunes from our friends. All are welcome, I think my neighbor Sean is coming, and may do an improv performance at some point...(8 yr old east coast hardcore)...My parents may even make an appearance at some point... It's going to be rediculous. Please come if you can. Even if you hate music, come just to hang out or something. It would mean alot for us to have some people to watch us play a few songs.

Here is a link to a beautiful watercolor joel did, that doubles as a flier for the show:

And here is TwentyPS's purevolume link:

And here is a link to Cori's blog which talks about Ju-Jajuba a little more in depth:

Thursday, March 31, 2005

What are your favorite records?

Music is one thing I am passionate about. Especially music that deals with my faith in some way. These are albums I am deeply involved with for several reasons. They evoke deep feelings by the musicianship itself, and also make an incredible statement about the Christian faith in music. Christians and music is something I could write for hours about, and probably will, but for now, here are three or four of my favorite records.

1) Sufjan Stevens: Welcome to Michigan.
I don't think I can say enough about this album. Everytime I hear it, something grabs me inside. Sufjan has somehow captured some deep human truths and buried them in beautiful songs about people who live in michigan. This one took me a year to really delve into it, and not fall asleep during the latter half. But now that I'm in, I'm all the way in. Every song on it is like a good meal. It just feels so right.

2) Soul-Junk: 1957.
This is a record that every avant guard "forward thinking" musical person, does not want you to hear. This changed the way I see music, hip-hop, and christian art. While Sufjan Stevens captured humanity in beautiful musically creative ways, Soul-Junk takes beautiful things, and plays them backwards through synthesizers, drops a staggering, monsterous beat over top and them starts spitting things into a microphone. But instead of an hour of noise, Galaxalag and Slo-Ro, the two members that comprise Soul-Junk, create one the most memorable, strange, and catchy noise-hop albums ever. Music is found dead and stuffed into a closet here. But in its place is the most original thing ever made by any artist proclaiming to be followers of Christ. But few people will recognize the genius behind this record. Whenever I hear a christian say "We know the Creator of the universe, we should be the most creative people around! Christians need to take back art!" I can't help but think Soul-Junk has already done that. But the Church doesn't want to hear it. They just want sunday worship to sound bigger, dumber, and fatter, (or older, simpler, and dryer) while creativity dies of starvation out back by the dumpster.

3) Joy Electric: The White Songbook/ Hello Mannequin

Another "forward thinking" musician, Ronnie Martin proves himself over and over again as a synth pop master, and beautiful songwriter on The White Songbook, and Hello Mannequin. I cannot get past the worlds one man can create with synthesizers and vocals only. The White Songbook captures the brevity of man, the quest for recognition, and the dying hopes of forgotton people in an epic, sweeping album. By the time I actually heard the latter half of this cd, (it took me a while to get through the first half of the disc) I was floored. Over and over again Ronnie creates worlds within worlds, and draws you deeper into his music. Someday I hope the world gets past Joy Electric as being a novelty act, or "gay club music" and sees the artistry and hard work that Ronnie packs into every album. Awe inspiring musicianship is right here. Wake up.

This list will be continued later, but I'm curious... what are your favorite albums?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Danielson Famile Double White Vinyl LP

This is a reminder to myself to follow finish the danielson contest so that I can win the afforementioned Double Album. Oh sweet pickles I want that in a bad way. But I'm not going to talk about the contest in the rare event that another danielson fan reads this and trys to one up me. Yes I am that much of a horrible music snob. I said it, it feels good, and I'm not sorry.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Tronicles of Nordec

Hey everyone, the other day, Jeff Brice, Joel Dow, Brian Jackson, (Paul Scota sadly MIA) and myself were trying to come up with a band name, and well, we suck at this. We over think everything and nothing is "the right fit". So I'm opening this up to the four of you that read this to try and help us out. PLEASE come up with some sort of name, if you've heard our music or not, help us out or else, with Pete as my witness I swear I'll name our band The Tronicles of Nordec. So help me. Some names we're currently tossing around are: The Shining Epilogue, and Pass-a-fist. (just kidding on that last one haha)

Its not the cheese, its whats behind the cheese. -Mike Lake

Heres what Pitchfork had to say about Snow Patrol's latest mix tape release: The Trip

"If you read Pitchfork last year and did all your homework, little of The Trip will strike you as an epiphany. The tracks are illuminative if rarely breathtaking, and will likely yield most listeners a discovery or two. Then again, we've all put together mixtapes: Does Lightbody really like Deerhoof, or does he just want the girl from Brit Lit to think he does?
(tom laughs alone in his living room) (readers stare, somewhat offended, annoyed that tom would waste a post with someone elses music snobbery, as if he wasn't bad enough)
I'm so sorry.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Cat of Democracy Died the Day I was Born. And it dies still every minute I live

My mind is like an un-massaged muscle. It attracts the hands of every eager massuse, with oily anticipation. Your compliments gird me in pink, and parade me around the city.

I give, I give, I give.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Beleive Again. New LP's from Mae, Copeland

I was never terribly familiar with Copland except with that song "walking downtown" which is incredibly catchy, and just a good tune all around. Well they have a new one coming and you can hear the first 45 seconds of every song here. And wow. I wasn't immediately caught up in the songs, but as they went by, there was some very good stuff happening.

One of the songs sounded kind of beatles influenced... or maybe Queen... and then an accordian enters the room and i was really thrown off. (arent these guys supposed to be shoegazer emo?) And then a song came on which inspired this post. They began to do some things that reminded me of The Juliana Theory's Emotion is Dead. Remember that album?

Remember when the term emo didn't smack of sold out radio bands? Thats the kind of vein Copeland is touching on with this new release. Which is terribly exiting for me. After highschool, it seemed there would never be another the moon is down, or emotion is dead. Especially not with all the Taking Back Yellow Eat World Starting Promise Line Thursday bands doing their thing. Now thats not to say Copeland is going to save emotional music or anything. They kind of have a classic rock thing going on here as well that kind contrasts greatly with my indie-emo nostalgia, but nonetheless, I'm glad a band out there is pushing some nice tunes, reminescent of some of my favorites.

Speaking of my favorites. Mae has a new song up at purevolume. Its called "The Ocean" and it is lifechanging. So definitely check that song out and pick a few of their new cd's "the ever glow" when that comes out in a week or so. So they can get rich and sell out. Not that it's possible for Mae to sell out... seeing as they already sing in falsetto, and do acoustic versions of their songs... But you know what I mean.


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

This is what the internet is for. Hamsters. Synths. MIDI.

I ran across this at Pitchfork today, in their track reveiws. I guess somebody hooked a bunch of hampsters up to a MIDI synth, and recorded them. I'm not sure how it did all this, but you can read all about it here, and even listen to it, which I am about to do...

Friday, March 11, 2005

Heres a joke poem I posted on Gina's blog:

I'm trying to be brave. But all my petals wither in the winter. And your such a youthful sapling. Will the spring forgive?
Say Yes! to Brutal Fight!

So if your into any sort of hard music, here are some great bands:

Brutal Fight: A great band off of Strikefirst Records (a division of Facedown) who really has a sick, tight sound worked out. Nothing new here, but undeniably evocative. In that "I'm going to turn into a bear" way.

Comback Kid: If you didn't know already that Comback Kid is the junk, you had better pick up "Turn it Around" and their new disc "Wake The Dead" and pretend you've always been down. Because this is olde time Hardcore, complete with gang yells, overwhelmingly positive messages, and nonstop blast beats.

Norma Jean: Or if dark, technical, abstract, whipping pole Metal is more your thing. Well you already knew Norma was the way to go for that.

Strongarm: One of the best early 90's Christian Hardcore bands. Their stuff is suprisingly refreshing to hear after all the psuedo-emo, dark, stab-core, "kill us till we're dead, oh God I want to be dead" bands that are everywhere.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Of Jake and of Tina... O Jacob wherefore art thou? And for wherehappance has Tina been?

I miss Jake and Tina. Its official. They need to come back. Or comment on my blog... or meet me in Michigan on april 1st and 2nd... or something... If you two are reading this, just know that I love you guys, and just know that everytime I open our new dishwasher and all the steam floats up into my face making little moisture droplets form on my forehead, I can still feel your warm hearts.

Goodnight you two.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Church Breakups and Make ups

So my church made up with me this past sunday. Last sunday it knew it alienated me with its loud "hey! hey! hey!" gang shouts, and its shouting, guest speaker, madman. (who still got some good points through) So this Sunday it goes ahead and sings some nice hymns to me, and really just did things in a very Tom Lake way... which I know shouldn't be the case every week (lest the non-Tom Lake church attendees feel alienated themselves) but I appreciated it nonetheless.

In short, we decided to stay together. Bethel, I love you and I'll see you next week.

-Tom xoxo

Friday, February 25, 2005

The science behind Brain Bullet is actually very straight-forward.
It's a software application that sits on your Windows desktop, that delivers safe, positive and unobtrusive affirmations on your computer's screen. These "affirmations" are simply statements of positive intent, like:
— I learn fast
— I am calm and confident always
— I enjoy speaking on stage
— I attract my ideal partner easily
Because of the speed in which they're delivered to your screen, your conscious mind will merely see a "flicker" — it won't have the pace to capture the message. And that's great — because, your "conscious" mind isn't responsible for changing your automatic reactions and habits. Only your subconscious is!

-This is an excerpt from an email I got in which the subject read: "Develop Super human Powers!" Of course I couldn't resist checking it out. Apparently its a strange program that screws with your brain while your on the computer. I want it. Anyone with a good computer should seriously help me out and see if you can download this sucker for me...

or if your in for a good laugh... heres the website of this thing:


Thursday, February 24, 2005

When We're Far From Here

I want to change as much as I have from last summer till now... this coming year. I really dont want to be as clueless as I am right now next year.

In my life, almost nothing is coincidence... im trying to change small things in my life, in order to mature and just be happier in life. In my childrens lit class i am doing a presentation on a book, about a boy who is doing just that. Its perplexing how the God of the Universe, would choose such subtle ways to communicate things. I'm not questioning His ways, He knows far better than I, how to talk to me... and what the best way is to do that. So this must be it.
Reading Ragged Dick in my room with Jake and Tina, listening to an entire Mum record, and wondering, how our lives will be... when we're far from here.

When I'm grown, and married... and Jake and Tina are too, over in Illinois, or where ever they end up. And you, where ever the heck you end up. How will it be? To have kids, to have spouses? houses, apartments, jobs, careers, degrees...

We'll look back at our confused twenty somthing selves, and remember how sweet it all was. The lack of direction, the un-answered questions... The search for vision, for motivation... all the dreams that poured out of our heads... crossing eachother, creating a mess.

Our older selves, so locked into a routine, into a lifestyle, will look back at that as just another peice of life... and what a fun one too... now's the time when we can do anything.

But what about marraige and kids and all that? I can't imagine looking into the face of a child, knowing that he was once a part of me, and he literally came out of my wife. And now he's going to grow up in this world with ME as his father. Egad. What an absolutely mind blowing thing that is to think about...

And what about the whole marraige thing? Does spending the rest of your life with someone other than you, freak anyone (i mean you single folks) else out around here? You know how annoying that person must get eventually? man...

From watching my parents, I think I've found that eventually you go through so much crap together in marraige, and you work through so many things, and you get on absolutely every nerve of the other person to the point where you come out the other side, full circle, victorious. Like in the Lion King, at the end, after Simba defeats Scar, and it starts to rain and put out all the fires. Well as you may remember, all this steam and mist is every where as this dramatic music is playing. And then you can just make out the forms of two warriors coming through the mist, as they near, you can see its Timon and Pumba, wartorn, and valiant. Then, you may also remember, Simba gets up on pride rock, and with rain pouring down his reddish brown mane, he roars. Letting Africa know, that he now, is in fact king.

And then his clan roars back.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

My friends from Illinois are swing dancing to Half-Handed Cloud.

Who are my friends from Illinois?

they're jake and tina.

Who is Half-Handed Cloud?

its a one man band.

(who is affiliated with sufjan stevens, {he played trumpet on michigan} and makes strange, quirky pop tunes. and behold, they are really good. here is his website, and an mp3 you can hear: "Animals cut in two")

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Keeping things updated.

PJ Sweeney: (trust me.)

Joels blog:

Jims blog:

Corinna's blog:

Samantha Fox's blog:

John Lake's blog:

Sean (9-yr old neighbor):

Sunday, February 13, 2005

My Front, My Fashion, My Security.

One of the greatest feelings for me is change. Mainly because I am so bad at it. If I can change, and progress one bit, and become one bit better... its a big deal. I was up late talking to Jim and Cori the other night, and I compared who I was last year to who I am now. Many things are different. Which I like, but more importantly, the thing that is different about his year, is the conviction that God is directing at me. I've asked God to speak to me, in whatever way He wants to, and He has, but I nearly miss it everytime. I've been thinking about fashion, and I know god is saying something to me about my image, and about what I wear, how I act, and who I am.

Part of me, finds a strange comfort in the way I dress. I think dressing "indie" or "geek" or whatever, serves more than one purpose. Naturally, I feel comfortable wearing what I wanna wear, how I wanna wear it. And I'm fine with that. But another part dresses indie, (or whatever you call the way I dress) in order to have a style thats different, and above the common person. My Converse Weapons are hotter than some regular joes shoes. And my shirt that says "the chariot" scribbled in blue, is alot cooler than your metallica t-shirt, or your Gap tank top. I think a part of me dresses like I do, in order to feel in some way, better than others.

Fashion is definitely a security. A thing that easess my insecurities about how I look. And that bothers me. I decided a while ago that:

A) only my Creator can truly fufill my need for love on the deepest level, and that it is foolish to look elsewhere for any kind of self-worth, or healthy self-image. Why would I want my self worth to come from the compliments of women, from the security of a relationship, or from how I look, when only the God of the Universe can truly fufill these things?

B) Therefore, anything that is in the way from me getting all of my self-worth, and confidence, and security from my Father, should be cast down. Death to fashion, yes, but death to relationships as well. Death to flirting, acting, snobbery, gossip and slandering others to feel good about myself. How can I really grow, when I run to so many other things before God, to find my worth?

I should mention, that I think being comfortable with your appearance, being attractive to guys/girls, and being in a healthy relationship, are all things that are good, and that should boost your self esteem, and make you feel good about yourself. I don't think that their inherently bad or anything. I just think that many people see those things as the most important factors in determining your worth. And thats just not true.

And if it takes tearing yourself away from comforts to find out who you really are, well lets just do it.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Yesterday I wrestled Joel Dow and Sean Fantigrossi.

Much of the experience is documented on Sean's Blog.(, see entry: "Sean Fantigrossi vs. Joel Dow") Which is obviously fully endorsed/recommended by myself.


I have been thinking about worship alot lately. The reason being, my church is sort of known for its bombastic music, and people seem to love it... but i usually am not comfortable there. I think it's extrovert worship music. Get up and stomp the devil music. shout and scream kinda stuff. In my personal life I've found worship to be deepest when the lights are out, and no ones watching. I heard Ron Sykes say once that just as a man and a woman's most intimate moments are behind closed doors, so should a mans relationship with God be. That when we go out to church,
to worship its an outward expression of love. Like taking your girl/guy out for ice cream or something. A public display of affection. But the real stuff, and indeed, the nuts and bolts of an actual relationship happens when no one else is around.

Which makes sense to me. But I guess the real problem I have is the distance between the outward and inward expression of worship. I think alot of times I equate the outward as the inward. Maybe because I have heard people say things like "that guy really worships". Lets think about that. Based a man's display of exitement, or fervor during worship, it certainly looks like he really is worshipping God. But what of the inside? Many times I compare myself to these "all out worshippers". That if I don't worship like them, then I'm worse off. Which obviously just isn't true. But it still gets to me sometimes.

Let me say here, however, that there are many people I respect who go nuts during worship. And that its my own inhibitions that keep me from expressing myself more fully during worship. I do hope to someday worship God however I want, without feeling every eye on me.

I'm starting to read a book about Worship in the early church. Hopefully it will help sort out some of the issues I have with my church. I really like the people there, and God certainly speaks to me there. I just want something a little more raw, and honest. I think there are alot of youth out there who want real spirituality. Not another church service. Not another worship song. Not another hundred eyes watching you as you find your seat.

But perhaps I'm putting to much pressure on my church. Of course it can't fufill my every spiritual desire. Of course it can't accurately express how I feel about God during worship. Only I can.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

"The Locust" -Photo by Samantha Fox. (Of the East Side? of Irondiqoit mind you)

-photo most assuradly taken by Samantha Fox

-submitted by Samantha Fox

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

-"Broken Rubix Heart" -SF

-Submitted or photo taken by Samantha Fox

-Submitted by Samantha Fox is pleased to introduce it's new guest artist of the month. From East or maybe West Irondiquoit, please welcome Samantha Fox. A new picture should be up daily, and an artist bio as well. Here are the first two in her "Found Object/Personal Work" Series. Please leave artistic comments when appropriate.
Yesterday I was cleaning my room.

Now this is a big deal for me. For those of you who don't know, my room is a warzone. There is just stuff everywhere. I have a terrible time throwing anything away, and so things stack up and pile, and spill all over the place. That, and I'm lazy. So I was cleaning all this, and setting up my new hamper (again, a big deal for me) and just when I got it all set up, my freaking bookshelf up and falls on me. A sea of books and papers just swept past me. I couldn't beleive it. There wasn't even a good reason for it. One step forward, two steps back.

So that bummed me out. But despite that, I still made progress on my room. Just not as much as I could have. I realized that if I want change, I have to fight for it.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

IF ANYONE can get Bizzart on a bill anywhere on feb 11th, 12th or 13th. LET ME KNOW.
Hey everyone.

I just got an email from the SAA guy, and long story short, Bizzart may just be flying up to rochester for a few days. Isn't that just crazy!?!?

go check him out at in case he really does end up here, you may be able to say a couple of his lines.

Im not going to sleep tonight.

Monday, January 31, 2005

The Legends are True and we are not playing anymore

Sean Fantigrossi has his own blog now. So stop reading about how your friend woke up late for class, is feeling lonely, or how their day went, and go read some Sean. Your not ready. I'm not ready. We're not ready.

it will work. It just has to.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

"Professional Wrestling" by Sean Fantigrossi. This is "RVD" an actual real wrestler.

"Shattering Glass" by Sean Fantigrossi

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A scene from a comic book, that my little sister, Sue, drew.

This is Sean. He is my 9 year old neighbor, and a creative force to be reckoned with. Taken with Godzilla movies at a very young age, he once borrowed one a day from me for several weeks at a time, devouring each monster thrashing epic right up to the climatic Godzilla Vs. Destroyah and Godzilla Vs. Megaguiros.

Sean and I even formed a band for a breif time. We were called Bloody Wolves (to much parental disaproval) and our first song was called "Sword Killer". Our music mostly consisted of myself playing random spastic riffs on the guitar, and Sean screaming into a microphone, while standing on a chair. Most of the lyrics were about Godzilla fighting Gigan, and other things about swords and killing swords.

He was the first to declare Russo "the captain" and then "the President." A title he lovingly addresed Russo by until Russo stole a peice of the Unicornicopia puzzle I was working on. He then launched a controversial video campaign to impeach Russo, using the words "butt" and "smelly" in the same sentance while dancing and rapping his distaste for Russo's actions, to much parental concern.

When Sean is not beating up my friends that are guys, and hugging my friends that are girls, he sometimes draws things. I recently dicovered this when he offered to draw the peice entitled "Poetry" and put it on my blog. I agreed, and hope to feature more of his art on here as he draws it.

"Poetry" warrants some discussion here, seeing as it is largely an interpretive work. He told me he would draw a picture of "poetry" and then began to do so. There is a composition journal, and a flower being "added" together to "equal" both those objects sitting together in a feild. By connecting symbols of beauty (the flower) and intellect (the journal) Sean's view of "poetry" is somthing that is both thoughtful and beautiful.

"Unicron devouring a planet, whilst a spaceship watches" By Sean Fantigrossi

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Guest Artists:

Sean Fantigrossi will be a reacurring theme here on the site from now on. His artistic musings hopefully will awaken the 8 yr old in all of us. I will hopefully get a pic, and a bio of Sean on here as soon as possible. If you have some doodles that you would like to get on here (and would like to be the next guest artist), please send them to me at It would be great to get some of Russo's classic Manonizor series, or any of Joel Dow's work. And the rest of you too. I mean that. Email me. Or comment to me. Or else its just me and Sean from here on out. And you know how we do.

"Poetry" by my neighbor Sean. Who will hopefully be a guest artist here more often.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Wanting to want/Finishing things

This past weekend, I went to a B.A.S.I.C. event up at Elim. It was called Destiny Weekend, and it was for college juniors and seniors. I went even though I'm technically still a sophmore. The whole weekend was intended to give students lacking direction and vision, some direction, and help focus on things that actually matter. I was pretty sceptical of the thing, cause it cost money and stuff, but apon ariving, well.. I was floored. (not in the slain in the spirit way)

There were ten kids that came, counting me, so I got to get to know everyone pretty good. There were 3 or 4 different people involved with BASIC who spoke, and then hung out with us for the rest of the time. The incredible part about it was that instead of having some preacher giving a loud, impersonal message, I instead met some honest, down to earth people, who have given up their lives to help college students. It was humbling to know that these people put all this work into something just for me. And it was intense to hear their stories of abandoning nice paying jobs and homes and mortgages, to obey God.

The Spirit of God has been among other things, telling me to give things up. Which is why much of the weekend hit so hard. I'm entering into a time of my life where I am deciding what is truly important, and what is wasted. I look around my room, through the utter mess of it all, its clear to me where I get most of my pleasure, and where most of my time, money, and energy goes. I'm starting to ransack my life. Not in a gung-ho, book-burning, caught up in the moment way, (as i have in the past) but as a sacraficial statement. I really want my room (which i have long looked at as a metaphor for my life) to reflect my spirit. I really want to want the Creator more.

I really don't want to repeat last year.

9 When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. 10 Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. 11 But the angel of the LORD called out to him from heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!"
"Here I am," he replied.
12 "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son."

(Gen. 22)

The girl next to me wrote the "you need Jesus" caption after I drew Sputter attacking these mud monsters... so its not an intentional critique on modern evangelism methods.

Frog Belly Rat Bone leaps for joy, when he discovers the treasures that the little boy found.

Well, isn't it?

Here is something I drew during music class last semester.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I'm Sick Of Being Selfish. (lets get it together.)

Colossians 3:12-14
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Philippians 2

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being likeminded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

For the first time in a long time

I feel like me and God actually had a dialogue, I don't feel "unspiritual" and I am looking forward to a life lived with Him.

I had been rolling over and over in my head my commitment to God the past couple days/weeks. If I truly love Him, why do I seek after so many things that distract me from Him? I seem to be on a relentless quest to entertain myself. Which is foolishness, when the gift of knowing the Creator of the Universe is offered. I mean, come on. I am extremely hesitent when it comes to gicing things up however... I always want to think through what I know, and my motives behind giving up things before I do... and by the time I'm done with all that, I'm too confused to make a decision.

Well, last night God used some essays* that Galaxalag wrote to confirm what I had been thinking about. It hit extremely hard, because Galaxalag is the lead singer in one of my favorite bands, Soul-Junk, so it was a very, lets say "Tom Lake" way for God to speak to me. Its a very personal thing between me and God, and I don't expect it to hit you the same way, but if you've ever wondered about the madman behind Soul-Junk, or are just interested in good christian writing, look into it. He's got some great things to say about Peace in the Church. (and is currently working on a book. which is big news for geeks like me.)

*to find the essays Galaxalag wrote on this site, you have to scroll to the bottom of the larger window, and click galaxalag. Oh and Cori, theres a new one on there!

Monday, January 17, 2005

The Long-Awaited, 100 and One Post. isn't it about time you got yours?

This is just what it looks like. I have written a mini-epic of a post for you all here. Its like a book. Its like a film. Its like that best-of post i did a while back. Its like all of us that have ever dreamed the world could be so much bigger, than the box we grew up in. Lets never stop dreaming, ok friends?

The Birth of the Tom
{I.Bloodlines II.The Depth of the Soul III. Self Facination IV. Andrew Russo Comes Out to Play V.The One called Scarlet VI. Christianhood}

Chapter 1. Bloodlines.

My neighbor tried to get me to go to a Static X show tonight. But i went to bill grays and played the hockey game with jim and liam. Jim actually bounced the puck off of my player into my goal, solidifying his birthright authority over me.

I was born into a small house with lots of brothers. One of them is Jim. Jim, unlike my other brothers, is the tallest, and the oldest. He is a funny mix of a boy who likes poetry and pretty things, (like the sky, and more poetry) and a boy who likes dark, heavy music, about wars and death and redemption. He is as confusing as his twisted, matted, hair, but just as nice looking. Lets blow a trumpet for him or something. He's James Theophilus Lake.

Let us not forget his words here on the blog:

"At a boy tom! try not to suck."

"Poor tom, poor simple tom."

"oh and by the way i have read every blog that you posted today ... i love the one where i beat you in table hocky, that was a fun day."

Thanks Jim, you ol' Tiger you!

Chapter 2: The Depths of the Soul

I am a virgin and I live with my parents.

This has not changed, nor will it ever, unless by some strange deus ex machina intervention happens at the end of the play and marraige befalls me. Until then, you may rest apon this truth.

Chapter 3: Self Facination

The way it wraps about your torso like so. The way you muss up your hair and pose with the mop in the bathroom. With the broom in the storage closet. Or with no accessory at all, alone, just you and your tight gray polo shirt. In the dining hall, underneath the chandelier.

I would never say I am an egotistical facatic, but I have my moments. There's a lesson to be learned from this. Get in touch with yourself.

Chapter 4: Andrew Russo Comes Out to Play

"Narcissistic beast, curse your inherited affliction
Punish the brute and shackle him
Become presentable to the grey-eyed Athene
Find happiness among her perched owls" -Anonymous author with strange ties to the Russo family.

There are some of my friends who get their own section in this 101st post celebration. But I think Andrew's the only one. He has made his presence known on this weblog for sure. Here are a few memorable moments:

"Tom, you are the literary giant of our age. All will bow and tremble below the explosive might of your pen. Your stylistic punctuation is miles ahead of our time. And, Your use of poetic metaphor leaves one feeling as though they had touched the face of God."

Well, that was quite flattering! It seems that Andew is never shy when it comes to laying on comliments! (This is no secret to the ladies out there of course! wink! wink!) How could I reply, but with a humble, but respectful declination of his praise:

Dear commenter,
While I appreciate your comments, and have subconsciencely internalized them, I must inform you that it was not I that wrote the "poetry of the gods" posted on my site. So please, in the near future, remember to read all disclaimers before you jump to conclusions such as me writing such a thick, evocative, peice of literature. Thank you.
# posted by Tom

"Tom: Lately my half a heart has been horribly itchy, does that mean you've been in some kind of danger?"
# posted by Andrew

How true it was, at that very moment, I was mowing the lawn in Illinois, on a riding lawn mower. I dont think I will go into what that entails exactly, for the sake of my readers who are squeamish.

"Go cry to your mommma, you baby!!!"

Oh Andy!

"You're alright Tom, don't let me tell you any different."

Oh Andy!

Chapter 5: The One Called Scarlet.

"it's a good thing we can still be friends." -Joel

Taken out of context, this is even more touching.

Chapter 6: Christianhood.

I have always beleived Christ to be the source of life, and meaning in this world. But I have never lived like that. These past few months have been serious times of questioning for me. I have come to new, awfully honest territory with God. I now realize how much of my life is pointless, and how much of it needs to be redeemed. I only hope I can accept each part of my life that needs to leave in the coming year. I hope you can too.

Friday, January 14, 2005

this is who I am. This is what makes me go round.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

For any curious soul, who would like to hear the Bizzart record, I dont think I need to tell you to go listen to it at Its quite a peice of work.

Speaking of peices of work, The Fiery Furnaces are large, strange peices of work.

My next post, will be the one hundredth time I pressed the 'Publish' button after writing something here at my blog. I think its been like a year. Expect something special.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Music Writer?

DOA wants new music review writers, and I thinks I shall try my hand at it. (If any other music geek out there would like to do the same, check out, its Rochester based, and nerdishly updated daily.)

My plan is to post the review I'm going to send the editor of DOA as a sample of what I'm capable of. That is, mebbe you all could give me some grammer/english/structure pointers? Before I send in some complete peice of geek rambling, I'd like to refine it a tad. I have 3 reviews I've written. This one is somthing I just typed up about Bizzart. The other two are buried in the archives somewhere... (The Evan Anthem, and As I Lay Dying) I might look over those two, if I end up not liking this one. We'll see. I think, with a little work here and there, this one could work well. But its definitley 5 in the morning soo...

Let me know what you think of...

Bizzart: Ear Drung
Sounds Are Active, 2004

The very nature of experimental music makes it hit or miss. Some artists manage to create other worldly soundscapes and intelligent statements through experimental means, while others drag in the mud of pretentious avant-sound disasters. I appreciate the brave and rebellious souls who push boundaries and buttons, and are willing to take musical risks in order to create something original, while I curse the day some artists recorded their selfish indulgences.
That’s why reactions to Bizzart’s newest album Ear Drung will probably be of the "love it" or "hate it" variety. With no respect for preconceived notions of musical form, hip-hop, or complimentary sounds, Bizzart successfully tore me a new one. Using every strange sound source available, Accident, who produced the entire album, has created a noise filled hip-hop album that is so challenging, it becomes enjoyable. Sound abuse would be a good word to describe Accidents approach to creating tracks. As vinyl, synthesizers, guitar, and other instruments collide inside a dryer set on overdrive to create the static filled, radioactive terrain of Ear Drung.
The opener “Illuminate/ Ear Drung” draws layers of shriveling, synth lines on top of shrill synth squeals and other indescribable mysteries. Once the layers begin to spill over, and the beat drops, Bizzart lets a shout of “Illuminate!” and begins to rattle off a fevered, high pitched verse. Yes, the music is bizarre on the record, but it only serves as a precursor to Bizzart’s “martian-being-strangeled” style of what is usually called rapping. He also has a flow unlike anything I’ve ever heard, making him seem sometimes like he is rattling off what he wrote, with no regard to the beat. He rarely rhymes, and at times shrieks, sings, and talks normally. He does absolutely everything in his might to destroy hip-hop, rapping, and aural decency, while keeping a beat that you can bob your head to. Usually.
“Protocol” sports a clean beat, with chimes and piano creating a nice atmosphere behind Bizzart’s clear vocals until a live free-jazz combo tears into the studio and rips apart the set while Accident manipulates the chaos with disruptive delay effects. Surprises are scattered throughout the album, as synthesized bullets ricochet across the un-easy terrain of “Pink Summer in Hell”, (which is one of the few songs with a discernable chorus) and guest rappers drop in from all over the place (Galaxalag of Soul-Junk, Zane of the Tunnel Rats, and Freedom80, namely.). Bizzart drops his best verse on “Infinite Zero”, which also features Zane spitting an amazing verse, making it one of the best songs on the record.
Indeed, the album seems to come to a head on the last two tracks as Bizzart unleashes some of his best verses, and Accident breaks open Pandora’s box as wave upon wave of noise-hop chaos ensues. Accident then switches gears on the closer “Negative Gravity/ Hummingbird Feeder” as atmospheric strings and fading wood chimes play over a small minimalist beat to compliment Bizzart and Freedom80 as they lay out the most affecting verses on the album. The song is subtle, making the lyrics the centerpiece, as words echo, and play backwards at times, yet still, somehow remain discernable.
Ear Drung is immensely complicated, overwhelmed with whole worlds of sounds, ensuring that most listeners will hear only noise and chaos. Bizzart’s vocals further complicate, and challenge the listener until one is left in completely unfamiliar territory. While it is uncomfortable and even un-pleasant at times, Ear Drung delivers un-conventional hip-hop at its finest.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Pop music rounds the bend.

Heard any good bands lately? While I am known for liking dork music, I have fallen prey to some pop music as of late. And I feel like mentioning it right now.

Anberlin- They've posted some new songs up, which have some great hooks. I mean, I am just bumping 'Paper Thin Hymn' over here. And its three in the morning. But this song has some serious rock tossed in it. Right next to some pop hooks that are classic Anberlin. It makes me want to squeeze a glass of wine till it breaks while crying. But thats just me, see for yourself.

Arkitekt- I found them on a sampler in the mud at cornerstone. Pop rock is not dead. This band has managed to win my affections despite having a singer who I dont like. I usually hate this kind of singer, but the songs themselves rised above my prejudices and forced me to order their album from lakeshore records. (check out 'Passenger Planes' and 'The Greatest Romances')

Mae- Their B-Sides album is pop perfection. They've channeled every ounce of their being into creating the best songs that the pop/emo genre has to offer. Beleive again.