Saturday, April 16, 2005

Dave has just made a stellar point. and that stellar point is this:

Blindside/Showbread/The Showdown
June 25th – Club Tundra, Syracuse, NY – tickets on sale 4/23/05

Somebody hold me.


Anonymous said...

holy crap! i'm so there!!! how much $ do you know? and when is the show? you only said when the tickets go on sale.


Anonymous said...

holy crap! i'm so there!!! how much $ do you know? and when is the show? you only said when the tickets go on sale.


Tom said...

Thanks Gina, I'm very uneasy about that song just because, I'm not an old man from the 80's, and I can't sing it quite right. But thank you anyways. It was tons o fun to play.