Thursday, February 10, 2005

Yesterday I wrestled Joel Dow and Sean Fantigrossi.

Much of the experience is documented on Sean's Blog.(, see entry: "Sean Fantigrossi vs. Joel Dow") Which is obviously fully endorsed/recommended by myself.


I have been thinking about worship alot lately. The reason being, my church is sort of known for its bombastic music, and people seem to love it... but i usually am not comfortable there. I think it's extrovert worship music. Get up and stomp the devil music. shout and scream kinda stuff. In my personal life I've found worship to be deepest when the lights are out, and no ones watching. I heard Ron Sykes say once that just as a man and a woman's most intimate moments are behind closed doors, so should a mans relationship with God be. That when we go out to church,
to worship its an outward expression of love. Like taking your girl/guy out for ice cream or something. A public display of affection. But the real stuff, and indeed, the nuts and bolts of an actual relationship happens when no one else is around.

Which makes sense to me. But I guess the real problem I have is the distance between the outward and inward expression of worship. I think alot of times I equate the outward as the inward. Maybe because I have heard people say things like "that guy really worships". Lets think about that. Based a man's display of exitement, or fervor during worship, it certainly looks like he really is worshipping God. But what of the inside? Many times I compare myself to these "all out worshippers". That if I don't worship like them, then I'm worse off. Which obviously just isn't true. But it still gets to me sometimes.

Let me say here, however, that there are many people I respect who go nuts during worship. And that its my own inhibitions that keep me from expressing myself more fully during worship. I do hope to someday worship God however I want, without feeling every eye on me.

I'm starting to read a book about Worship in the early church. Hopefully it will help sort out some of the issues I have with my church. I really like the people there, and God certainly speaks to me there. I just want something a little more raw, and honest. I think there are alot of youth out there who want real spirituality. Not another church service. Not another worship song. Not another hundred eyes watching you as you find your seat.

But perhaps I'm putting to much pressure on my church. Of course it can't fufill my every spiritual desire. Of course it can't accurately express how I feel about God during worship. Only I can.


Anonymous said...

iiii dunno tom... i think your on to something... and i think that something's been stirring for quite some time in many of us out there... being a little "skeptical" of the 'old wineskins' of the church as we have seemed to know it for some time...wheres the hard core stuff that so moved the new church in the book of acts... there was something there. more than a set church agenda each sunday morning. they were hardcore. they chilled in others houses and just chowed down on food together, dug deep into praying for each others lives and for the real issues that were deep down under.. they beckoned to God with all they had for His will to be done. they didnt mess around. it was all or nothing. im sure it wasnt some petty pretty worship time where everything was nicely layed out with a cute song and dance that fit the moment.. or fit the style of a certain 'type' of people. it just was. it was what the Holy Spirit led... people were moved past their comfort zones and without staying in their pretty boxes, moved forward to embrace the deepest most real part of who God was and didnt hold back to share who He was to the world. It was so real in their hearts that it was contageous. CONTAGEOUS! point being, keep questioning whats going on around you, but even MORE than that, questioning the deeper places and the more real places that Gods wanting to take you to... its those who seek more and desire more who are gonna find it... as well as bring others there with him. and ill be bold enough to say that theres a new thing still stirring up in our generation.. and the skeptics and searchers who are questioning the past ways and looking forward to the new annointing in the Lord.. it is those who are gonna smash through the past walls and cross over to the hardest core of the revelation of truth of who He REALLY is. and thats when were gonna start to see even greater than what the early church did. miracles and healings and the whole shabang.. bring it! :) keep pressin deeper tom! were with ya and i think you'd easily find that were all feelin a lil skeptical right now. a quote ill leave ya always speaks to me about getting 'things done' , tasks, visions and whatnot.. but how bout applying it to the matters of the heart.. to bringing about the deeper heart of God to ourselves, to our land... "Never tell a young person anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing" ~ John Andrew Holmes and one from the Big Guy..."Everything is possible for him who believes." Mark 9:23.... Think theres just GOT to be more in this Christianity thing? Embrace that skepticism and wonderings and wantings into His flow and and allow your heart to bring that seemingly impossible down to earth, heart-moving, life- changing, soul-turning life in Christ to this land. He's put those questions in you for a reason. The enemy might try to bring those questions under his control and to draw those questions toward his direction. Continue to bring them under alignment with what Gods truly trying to bring change in you and in the real church. not just those in the building on a sunday morning, but the real stuff..Be ignorant about that seemingly impossible deeper worship, healing and the whole 'real' church that MUST be out there.. out there somewhere...Hes moving in and through those who are longing and passionately pursuing something more. i think its time we showed the first church up :)(in purest humility of course :) something more is on its way! thanks for kicking things off ! ~jenna

Anonymous said...

lol... btw.. i didnt mean be ignorant of those things.. i meant be ignorant of how they seem impossible~ lol... sorry for the long wind-ness, you got me goin and i couldnt stop :)

Tom said...

Thank you for the book Jenna, I didn't know you read here. Its great to know your all about the raw spiritual stuff as well. we shall have to talk soon i think... im so very tired of life as i know it.

83princess said...

Hey Tom,
Yeah, it's me, Sarah, and I know I am a little late in commenting here but I want to say how much truth you put out in your Blog.
It is the heart of the issue that really matters.
Worship is from the heart, as is love.
If I love someone it is going to show, in what I do, in how I speak about and to that person. I will give that person gifts or little notes to tell them that I am thinking about them ( I am refering to my family here ).
So if Christians would take their eyes off of what looks good or feels good and focused on their hearts we would find true worship in the church.
When we love God with all our heart, mind and strength, it is going to show in the life we live.
It doesn't matter if we raise our hands like everyone else, or jump up and down, or sway from side to side.
To me, it is when I have my eyes closed and I am standing very still, with my focus completely on hearing Him speak to me, and me wispering praises up to Him.
Look at the heart of a person and you will find whether they are a TRUE worshipper or not.
Hope you are having a great day!
