Friday, February 25, 2005

The science behind Brain Bullet is actually very straight-forward.
It's a software application that sits on your Windows desktop, that delivers safe, positive and unobtrusive affirmations on your computer's screen. These "affirmations" are simply statements of positive intent, like:
— I learn fast
— I am calm and confident always
— I enjoy speaking on stage
— I attract my ideal partner easily
Because of the speed in which they're delivered to your screen, your conscious mind will merely see a "flicker" — it won't have the pace to capture the message. And that's great — because, your "conscious" mind isn't responsible for changing your automatic reactions and habits. Only your subconscious is!

-This is an excerpt from an email I got in which the subject read: "Develop Super human Powers!" Of course I couldn't resist checking it out. Apparently its a strange program that screws with your brain while your on the computer. I want it. Anyone with a good computer should seriously help me out and see if you can download this sucker for me...

or if your in for a good laugh... heres the website of this thing:



Tom said...

yea i know dave, but because its obviously a scam, I don't feel bad about downloading it. Actually I just did. This program is hillarious. You can create your own subliminal messages to zap to yourself. It's nuts. im being told things right now and I don;t even know it!

John said...

Im using brain bullet right now
and i can feel the "surgin muscle growth"
This is nuts

Anonymous said...

this has nothing to do with subliminal mind control, but here's a thought. drop the s on "the chronicles" and you get a singular form that just rolls off the tongue. nuff said.