Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Yesterday I was cleaning my room.

Now this is a big deal for me. For those of you who don't know, my room is a warzone. There is just stuff everywhere. I have a terrible time throwing anything away, and so things stack up and pile, and spill all over the place. That, and I'm lazy. So I was cleaning all this, and setting up my new hamper (again, a big deal for me) and just when I got it all set up, my freaking bookshelf up and falls on me. A sea of books and papers just swept past me. I couldn't beleive it. There wasn't even a good reason for it. One step forward, two steps back.

So that bummed me out. But despite that, I still made progress on my room. Just not as much as I could have. I realized that if I want change, I have to fight for it.


Anonymous said...

Tom if it means anything, I am proud of you! The fact that you put the idea into action and got a new clothes hamper is amazing. As I do know how difficult this is for you since I have seen you attempt it so many times! Kate

Anonymous said...

hey man, how have you been? i haven't seen you in a long time. sorry to hear about the shelf. good job on the cleaning though :)


Tom said...

thanks guys (read: girls). I just hope I cans follow through on this sucker.