Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hey everyone.

I just got an email from the SAA guy, and long story short, Bizzart may just be flying up to rochester for a few days. Isn't that just crazy!?!?

go check him out at in case he really does end up here, you may be able to say a couple of his lines.

Im not going to sleep tonight.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tom you need to post more often for friends like me that have this as a strong connection back home when I am so far away!! Its so great to sit and read about what God is doing in your life and hearing what our friends have to say about it all. Only 16 more days and I will be home!!! Kate

Tom said...

Sorry kate. I'll try and get my post on more.

you know how i do.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I know how u USE TO BE, but we are working on changing these things right??? This is just a small daily application to help with the bigger picutre!! Be blessed man! Cheers for now (as they would say in Germany!!!) Kate