Tuesday, January 18, 2005

For the first time in a long time

I feel like me and God actually had a dialogue, I don't feel "unspiritual" and I am looking forward to a life lived with Him.

I had been rolling over and over in my head my commitment to God the past couple days/weeks. If I truly love Him, why do I seek after so many things that distract me from Him? I seem to be on a relentless quest to entertain myself. Which is foolishness, when the gift of knowing the Creator of the Universe is offered. I mean, come on. I am extremely hesitent when it comes to gicing things up however... I always want to think through what I know, and my motives behind giving up things before I do... and by the time I'm done with all that, I'm too confused to make a decision.

Well, last night God used some essays* that Galaxalag wrote to confirm what I had been thinking about. It hit extremely hard, because Galaxalag is the lead singer in one of my favorite bands, Soul-Junk, so it was a very, lets say "Tom Lake" way for God to speak to me. Its a very personal thing between me and God, and I don't expect it to hit you the same way, but if you've ever wondered about the madman behind Soul-Junk, or are just interested in good christian writing, look into it. He's got some great things to say about Peace in the Church. (and is currently working on a book. which is big news for geeks like me.)

*to find the essays Galaxalag wrote on this site, you have to scroll to the bottom of the larger window, and click galaxalag. Oh and Cori, theres a new one on there!


Tom said...

Sam, you are crazy. I know your going to start trying to do that puzzle and all, but if anyone can persuade you otherwise, let it be your bf's brother and 10 flying pegasus's.

Turn back. Before your me.

Unavail said...

Whoa! A dude w/ a sincere heart and a fan of the junk?!?! Christ bless you my brother!

No joke glxlg is tha man. That homie is lettin the spirit lead him in all things.