Monday, August 11, 2003

I say lets get the nerds together.
you know what I mean man? Lets just get all kinds of nerds, shove them into one small space and explode the world one mind at a time. I would be included in all this of course, me being a nerd about Doctor who, Godzilla, and the original Power Ranger series, which would fit into some part of the deal somewhere....anyways what Im trying to say is that when it comes down to it, we're all a nerd about something, weather its beating Final Fantasy 1-10 within a summer or reading 29 doctor who books before school starts. Be it philosophy, Poetry, Sports Stats, Fashion, Video games, whatever, we're all experts at somthing, and its our duty to uphold our expertise in that area, so that when the day comes, when the glory of nerdom is held in our collective fists, none shall be found lacking, and we'll all click together like a key fitting into the lock of science. and unscew the world.
think about that.

now go and figure out how to beat that Space Orc with only two Fire Orbs

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