Sunday, February 02, 2003

i went pants shopping with liam and jim yesterday, and chaos ensued. i discovered that the three of us stick out like a sore thumb in the mall. but we aquired pants and that made everything ok. we then met up with emily and kate and went and saw Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind at Geva Theatre with ROCKED THE HOUSE. ive never been to a play, that had a rubber squirrel flying over a nylon sea, and phil collins with a sock over his head, and some guy spitting on the crowd. one of the funniest things ive seen was Katrina wrestling with one of the guys over a squirt gun that he was soaking the crowd with. i have to say that was the most fun ive ever had in a theatre. Later we all ended up in Brians nest watching him defeat Ling Poo on his samurai video game. truly a night to be remembered.
"life is probably going to be alright....death aint nothing to to freak with." -paraphrased Demon Hunter lyrics

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