Wednesday, April 27, 2005

This Week.

It still doesn't feel like school has actually started. Probably because I missed an entire schoolday yesterday. But I have an excuse. The power was out. When I was little, the power being out was like a get out of jail free car.
"Mom can we have hot cocoa and graham crackers and stay up mad late?"


"But Mom, the powers out."

"Oh all right. But just this once."

Then we'd all bust out the candles and get all freaked out when you have to go to the bathroom in the dark by yourself, and you can't see where your peeing, you just judge by the sound of things. "Yea I must be doing this right."

Thats sorta what happened monday night over here. I was reading before Iwent to bed and all the lights and clocks shut off in my room. So I go downstairs and Jim and Jeff are frying canadian bacon. That did it for me, we all fried up all kind of meats and eggs and ate at a table filled with candles. It was fantastic. But then I refused to get up on time for school, and finally got up at like 1 thirty or something. Pretty terrible. But nothing new.

The night before I saw Melt Banana, which is a Japanese Noise-Core band form Tokeo Japan. Yes, it was just as awesome as it sounds. No words can describe the "video arcade getting trampled by a herd of buffalo" sound this band conjured up. Actually those words almost do it. I got a t-shirt.

I've been writing a new song for Epylogue that I'm very excited about. I'm also very nervous about this show coming up. It could go either way. Really well, or really awkward. I just hope the crowd has an open mind to non emo-punk slower music.

I listened to both of Anberlin's albums with headphones while I tried to sleep. Their both so good. The second one has all these tiny things that you could only catch fully with headphones on. I love hearing those things for the first time. After that, to try and go to sleep I pretended we were playing the show and I was singing all the songs in my head and then doing between song banter. That usually helps me get to sleep, but this time it didn't.

I bought a tellatubbies video at record archive and I'm dying to try setting it to music. I just need Joel. And fortuneately, he is coming over today.


Tom said...

Wow. Thats incredible. That belongs in the "best of"... I might make a "best of" just for that... wow.

Anonymous said...

what show coming up? let me know, maybe i can make it this time! uhh.... this is renee by the way. IM me if you are ever online, my screen name is xoixxxoix.

Tom said...

Hi Renee, the show I was talking about ws last friday, so you juussst missed it. But there will be others. Hopefully one in matts basement with a few other bands soon. Hopefully. I'll post it on here in like weeks in advance so you won't miss it.

Im never online but that is one crazy SN you got there. Hold on to it.