The Legends are True and we are not playing anymore
Sean Fantigrossi has his own blog now. So stop reading about how your friend woke up late for class, is feeling lonely, or how their day went, and go read some Sean. Your not ready. I'm not ready. We're not ready.
it will work. It just has to.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

This is Sean. He is my 9 year old neighbor, and a creative force to be reckoned with. Taken with Godzilla movies at a very young age, he once borrowed one a day from me for several weeks at a time, devouring each monster thrashing epic right up to the climatic Godzilla Vs. Destroyah and Godzilla Vs. Megaguiros.
Sean and I even formed a band for a breif time. We were called Bloody Wolves (to much parental disaproval) and our first song was called "Sword Killer". Our music mostly consisted of myself playing random spastic riffs on the guitar, and Sean screaming into a microphone, while standing on a chair. Most of the lyrics were about Godzilla fighting Gigan, and other things about swords and killing swords.
He was the first to declare Russo "the captain" and then "the President." A title he lovingly addresed Russo by until Russo stole a peice of the Unicornicopia puzzle I was working on. He then launched a controversial video campaign to impeach Russo, using the words "butt" and "smelly" in the same sentance while dancing and rapping his distaste for Russo's actions, to much parental concern.
When Sean is not beating up my friends that are guys, and hugging my friends that are girls, he sometimes draws things. I recently dicovered this when he offered to draw the peice entitled "Poetry" and put it on my blog. I agreed, and hope to feature more of his art on here as he draws it.
"Poetry" warrants some discussion here, seeing as it is largely an interpretive work. He told me he would draw a picture of "poetry" and then began to do so. There is a composition journal, and a flower being "added" together to "equal" both those objects sitting together in a feild. By connecting symbols of beauty (the flower) and intellect (the journal) Sean's view of "poetry" is somthing that is both thoughtful and beautiful.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Guest Artists:
Sean Fantigrossi will be a reacurring theme here on the site from now on. His artistic musings hopefully will awaken the 8 yr old in all of us. I will hopefully get a pic, and a bio of Sean on here as soon as possible. If you have some doodles that you would like to get on here (and would like to be the next guest artist), please send them to me at It would be great to get some of Russo's classic Manonizor series, or any of Joel Dow's work. And the rest of you too. I mean that. Email me. Or comment to me. Or else its just me and Sean from here on out. And you know how we do.
Sean Fantigrossi will be a reacurring theme here on the site from now on. His artistic musings hopefully will awaken the 8 yr old in all of us. I will hopefully get a pic, and a bio of Sean on here as soon as possible. If you have some doodles that you would like to get on here (and would like to be the next guest artist), please send them to me at It would be great to get some of Russo's classic Manonizor series, or any of Joel Dow's work. And the rest of you too. I mean that. Email me. Or comment to me. Or else its just me and Sean from here on out. And you know how we do.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Wanting to want/Finishing things
This past weekend, I went to a B.A.S.I.C. event up at Elim. It was called Destiny Weekend, and it was for college juniors and seniors. I went even though I'm technically still a sophmore. The whole weekend was intended to give students lacking direction and vision, some direction, and help focus on things that actually matter. I was pretty sceptical of the thing, cause it cost money and stuff, but apon ariving, well.. I was floored. (not in the slain in the spirit way)
There were ten kids that came, counting me, so I got to get to know everyone pretty good. There were 3 or 4 different people involved with BASIC who spoke, and then hung out with us for the rest of the time. The incredible part about it was that instead of having some preacher giving a loud, impersonal message, I instead met some honest, down to earth people, who have given up their lives to help college students. It was humbling to know that these people put all this work into something just for me. And it was intense to hear their stories of abandoning nice paying jobs and homes and mortgages, to obey God.
The Spirit of God has been among other things, telling me to give things up. Which is why much of the weekend hit so hard. I'm entering into a time of my life where I am deciding what is truly important, and what is wasted. I look around my room, through the utter mess of it all, its clear to me where I get most of my pleasure, and where most of my time, money, and energy goes. I'm starting to ransack my life. Not in a gung-ho, book-burning, caught up in the moment way, (as i have in the past) but as a sacraficial statement. I really want my room (which i have long looked at as a metaphor for my life) to reflect my spirit. I really want to want the Creator more.
I really don't want to repeat last year.
9 When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. 10 Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. 11 But the angel of the LORD called out to him from heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!"
"Here I am," he replied.
12 "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son."
(Gen. 22)
This past weekend, I went to a B.A.S.I.C. event up at Elim. It was called Destiny Weekend, and it was for college juniors and seniors. I went even though I'm technically still a sophmore. The whole weekend was intended to give students lacking direction and vision, some direction, and help focus on things that actually matter. I was pretty sceptical of the thing, cause it cost money and stuff, but apon ariving, well.. I was floored. (not in the slain in the spirit way)
There were ten kids that came, counting me, so I got to get to know everyone pretty good. There were 3 or 4 different people involved with BASIC who spoke, and then hung out with us for the rest of the time. The incredible part about it was that instead of having some preacher giving a loud, impersonal message, I instead met some honest, down to earth people, who have given up their lives to help college students. It was humbling to know that these people put all this work into something just for me. And it was intense to hear their stories of abandoning nice paying jobs and homes and mortgages, to obey God.
The Spirit of God has been among other things, telling me to give things up. Which is why much of the weekend hit so hard. I'm entering into a time of my life where I am deciding what is truly important, and what is wasted. I look around my room, through the utter mess of it all, its clear to me where I get most of my pleasure, and where most of my time, money, and energy goes. I'm starting to ransack my life. Not in a gung-ho, book-burning, caught up in the moment way, (as i have in the past) but as a sacraficial statement. I really want my room (which i have long looked at as a metaphor for my life) to reflect my spirit. I really want to want the Creator more.
I really don't want to repeat last year.
9 When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. 10 Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. 11 But the angel of the LORD called out to him from heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!"
"Here I am," he replied.
12 "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son."
(Gen. 22)
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
I'm Sick Of Being Selfish. (lets get it together.)
Colossians 3:12-14
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Philippians 2
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being likeminded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Colossians 3:12-14
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Philippians 2
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being likeminded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
For the first time in a long time
I feel like me and God actually had a dialogue, I don't feel "unspiritual" and I am looking forward to a life lived with Him.
I had been rolling over and over in my head my commitment to God the past couple days/weeks. If I truly love Him, why do I seek after so many things that distract me from Him? I seem to be on a relentless quest to entertain myself. Which is foolishness, when the gift of knowing the Creator of the Universe is offered. I mean, come on. I am extremely hesitent when it comes to gicing things up however... I always want to think through what I know, and my motives behind giving up things before I do... and by the time I'm done with all that, I'm too confused to make a decision.
Well, last night God used some essays* that Galaxalag wrote to confirm what I had been thinking about. It hit extremely hard, because Galaxalag is the lead singer in one of my favorite bands, Soul-Junk, so it was a very, lets say "Tom Lake" way for God to speak to me. Its a very personal thing between me and God, and I don't expect it to hit you the same way, but if you've ever wondered about the madman behind Soul-Junk, or are just interested in good christian writing, look into it. He's got some great things to say about Peace in the Church. (and is currently working on a book. which is big news for geeks like me.)
*to find the essays Galaxalag wrote on this site, you have to scroll to the bottom of the larger window, and click galaxalag. Oh and Cori, theres a new one on there!
I feel like me and God actually had a dialogue, I don't feel "unspiritual" and I am looking forward to a life lived with Him.
I had been rolling over and over in my head my commitment to God the past couple days/weeks. If I truly love Him, why do I seek after so many things that distract me from Him? I seem to be on a relentless quest to entertain myself. Which is foolishness, when the gift of knowing the Creator of the Universe is offered. I mean, come on. I am extremely hesitent when it comes to gicing things up however... I always want to think through what I know, and my motives behind giving up things before I do... and by the time I'm done with all that, I'm too confused to make a decision.
Well, last night God used some essays* that Galaxalag wrote to confirm what I had been thinking about. It hit extremely hard, because Galaxalag is the lead singer in one of my favorite bands, Soul-Junk, so it was a very, lets say "Tom Lake" way for God to speak to me. Its a very personal thing between me and God, and I don't expect it to hit you the same way, but if you've ever wondered about the madman behind Soul-Junk, or are just interested in good christian writing, look into it. He's got some great things to say about Peace in the Church. (and is currently working on a book. which is big news for geeks like me.)
*to find the essays Galaxalag wrote on this site, you have to scroll to the bottom of the larger window, and click galaxalag. Oh and Cori, theres a new one on there!
Monday, January 17, 2005
The Long-Awaited, 100 and One Post. isn't it about time you got yours?
This is just what it looks like. I have written a mini-epic of a post for you all here. Its like a book. Its like a film. Its like that best-of post i did a while back. Its like all of us that have ever dreamed the world could be so much bigger, than the box we grew up in. Lets never stop dreaming, ok friends?
The Birth of the Tom
{I.Bloodlines II.The Depth of the Soul III. Self Facination IV. Andrew Russo Comes Out to Play V.The One called Scarlet VI. Christianhood}
Chapter 1. Bloodlines.
My neighbor tried to get me to go to a Static X show tonight. But i went to bill grays and played the hockey game with jim and liam. Jim actually bounced the puck off of my player into my goal, solidifying his birthright authority over me.
I was born into a small house with lots of brothers. One of them is Jim. Jim, unlike my other brothers, is the tallest, and the oldest. He is a funny mix of a boy who likes poetry and pretty things, (like the sky, and more poetry) and a boy who likes dark, heavy music, about wars and death and redemption. He is as confusing as his twisted, matted, hair, but just as nice looking. Lets blow a trumpet for him or something. He's James Theophilus Lake.
Let us not forget his words here on the blog:
"At a boy tom! try not to suck."
"Poor tom, poor simple tom."
"oh and by the way i have read every blog that you posted today ... i love the one where i beat you in table hocky, that was a fun day."
Thanks Jim, you ol' Tiger you!
Chapter 2: The Depths of the Soul
I am a virgin and I live with my parents.
This has not changed, nor will it ever, unless by some strange deus ex machina intervention happens at the end of the play and marraige befalls me. Until then, you may rest apon this truth.
Chapter 3: Self Facination
The way it wraps about your torso like so. The way you muss up your hair and pose with the mop in the bathroom. With the broom in the storage closet. Or with no accessory at all, alone, just you and your tight gray polo shirt. In the dining hall, underneath the chandelier.
I would never say I am an egotistical facatic, but I have my moments. There's a lesson to be learned from this. Get in touch with yourself.
Chapter 4: Andrew Russo Comes Out to Play
"Narcissistic beast, curse your inherited affliction
Punish the brute and shackle him
Become presentable to the grey-eyed Athene
Find happiness among her perched owls" -Anonymous author with strange ties to the Russo family.
There are some of my friends who get their own section in this 101st post celebration. But I think Andrew's the only one. He has made his presence known on this weblog for sure. Here are a few memorable moments:
"Tom, you are the literary giant of our age. All will bow and tremble below the explosive might of your pen. Your stylistic punctuation is miles ahead of our time. And, Your use of poetic metaphor leaves one feeling as though they had touched the face of God."
While I appreciate your comments, and have subconsciencely internalized them, I must inform you that it was not I that wrote the "poetry of the gods" posted on my site. So please, in the near future, remember to read all disclaimers before you jump to conclusions such as me writing such a thick, evocative, peice of literature. Thank you.
# posted by Tom
"Tom: Lately my half a heart has been horribly itchy, does that mean you've been in some kind of danger?"
# posted by Andrew
How true it was, at that very moment, I was mowing the lawn in Illinois, on a riding lawn mower. I dont think I will go into what that entails exactly, for the sake of my readers who are squeamish.
"Go cry to your mommma, you baby!!!"
Oh Andy!
"You're alright Tom, don't let me tell you any different."
Oh Andy!
Chapter 5: The One Called Scarlet.
"it's a good thing we can still be friends." -Joel
Taken out of context, this is even more touching.
Chapter 6: Christianhood.
I have always beleived Christ to be the source of life, and meaning in this world. But I have never lived like that. These past few months have been serious times of questioning for me. I have come to new, awfully honest territory with God. I now realize how much of my life is pointless, and how much of it needs to be redeemed. I only hope I can accept each part of my life that needs to leave in the coming year. I hope you can too.
This is just what it looks like. I have written a mini-epic of a post for you all here. Its like a book. Its like a film. Its like that best-of post i did a while back. Its like all of us that have ever dreamed the world could be so much bigger, than the box we grew up in. Lets never stop dreaming, ok friends?
The Birth of the Tom
{I.Bloodlines II.The Depth of the Soul III. Self Facination IV. Andrew Russo Comes Out to Play V.The One called Scarlet VI. Christianhood}
Chapter 1. Bloodlines.
My neighbor tried to get me to go to a Static X show tonight. But i went to bill grays and played the hockey game with jim and liam. Jim actually bounced the puck off of my player into my goal, solidifying his birthright authority over me.
I was born into a small house with lots of brothers. One of them is Jim. Jim, unlike my other brothers, is the tallest, and the oldest. He is a funny mix of a boy who likes poetry and pretty things, (like the sky, and more poetry) and a boy who likes dark, heavy music, about wars and death and redemption. He is as confusing as his twisted, matted, hair, but just as nice looking. Lets blow a trumpet for him or something. He's James Theophilus Lake.
Let us not forget his words here on the blog:
"At a boy tom! try not to suck."
"Poor tom, poor simple tom."
"oh and by the way i have read every blog that you posted today ... i love the one where i beat you in table hocky, that was a fun day."
Thanks Jim, you ol' Tiger you!
Chapter 2: The Depths of the Soul
I am a virgin and I live with my parents.
This has not changed, nor will it ever, unless by some strange deus ex machina intervention happens at the end of the play and marraige befalls me. Until then, you may rest apon this truth.
Chapter 3: Self Facination
The way it wraps about your torso like so. The way you muss up your hair and pose with the mop in the bathroom. With the broom in the storage closet. Or with no accessory at all, alone, just you and your tight gray polo shirt. In the dining hall, underneath the chandelier.
I would never say I am an egotistical facatic, but I have my moments. There's a lesson to be learned from this. Get in touch with yourself.
Chapter 4: Andrew Russo Comes Out to Play
"Narcissistic beast, curse your inherited affliction
Punish the brute and shackle him
Become presentable to the grey-eyed Athene
Find happiness among her perched owls" -Anonymous author with strange ties to the Russo family.
There are some of my friends who get their own section in this 101st post celebration. But I think Andrew's the only one. He has made his presence known on this weblog for sure. Here are a few memorable moments:
"Tom, you are the literary giant of our age. All will bow and tremble below the explosive might of your pen. Your stylistic punctuation is miles ahead of our time. And, Your use of poetic metaphor leaves one feeling as though they had touched the face of God."
Well, that was quite flattering! It seems that Andew is never shy when it comes to laying on comliments! (This is no secret to the ladies out there of course! wink! wink!) How could I reply, but with a humble, but respectful declination of his praise:
Dear commenter,While I appreciate your comments, and have subconsciencely internalized them, I must inform you that it was not I that wrote the "poetry of the gods" posted on my site. So please, in the near future, remember to read all disclaimers before you jump to conclusions such as me writing such a thick, evocative, peice of literature. Thank you.
# posted by Tom
"Tom: Lately my half a heart has been horribly itchy, does that mean you've been in some kind of danger?"
# posted by Andrew
How true it was, at that very moment, I was mowing the lawn in Illinois, on a riding lawn mower. I dont think I will go into what that entails exactly, for the sake of my readers who are squeamish.
"Go cry to your mommma, you baby!!!"
Oh Andy!
"You're alright Tom, don't let me tell you any different."
Oh Andy!
Chapter 5: The One Called Scarlet.
"it's a good thing we can still be friends." -Joel
Taken out of context, this is even more touching.
Chapter 6: Christianhood.
I have always beleived Christ to be the source of life, and meaning in this world. But I have never lived like that. These past few months have been serious times of questioning for me. I have come to new, awfully honest territory with God. I now realize how much of my life is pointless, and how much of it needs to be redeemed. I only hope I can accept each part of my life that needs to leave in the coming year. I hope you can too.
Friday, January 14, 2005
Thursday, January 13, 2005
For any curious soul, who would like to hear the Bizzart record, I dont think I need to tell you to go listen to it at Its quite a peice of work.
Speaking of peices of work, The Fiery Furnaces are large, strange peices of work.
My next post, will be the one hundredth time I pressed the 'Publish' button after writing something here at my blog. I think its been like a year. Expect something special.
Speaking of peices of work, The Fiery Furnaces are large, strange peices of work.
My next post, will be the one hundredth time I pressed the 'Publish' button after writing something here at my blog. I think its been like a year. Expect something special.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Music Writer?
DOA wants new music review writers, and I thinks I shall try my hand at it. (If any other music geek out there would like to do the same, check out, its Rochester based, and nerdishly updated daily.)
My plan is to post the review I'm going to send the editor of DOA as a sample of what I'm capable of. That is, mebbe you all could give me some grammer/english/structure pointers? Before I send in some complete peice of geek rambling, I'd like to refine it a tad. I have 3 reviews I've written. This one is somthing I just typed up about Bizzart. The other two are buried in the archives somewhere... (The Evan Anthem, and As I Lay Dying) I might look over those two, if I end up not liking this one. We'll see. I think, with a little work here and there, this one could work well. But its definitley 5 in the morning soo...
Let me know what you think of...
Bizzart: Ear Drung
Sounds Are Active, 2004
The very nature of experimental music makes it hit or miss. Some artists manage to create other worldly soundscapes and intelligent statements through experimental means, while others drag in the mud of pretentious avant-sound disasters. I appreciate the brave and rebellious souls who push boundaries and buttons, and are willing to take musical risks in order to create something original, while I curse the day some artists recorded their selfish indulgences.
That’s why reactions to Bizzart’s newest album Ear Drung will probably be of the "love it" or "hate it" variety. With no respect for preconceived notions of musical form, hip-hop, or complimentary sounds, Bizzart successfully tore me a new one. Using every strange sound source available, Accident, who produced the entire album, has created a noise filled hip-hop album that is so challenging, it becomes enjoyable. Sound abuse would be a good word to describe Accidents approach to creating tracks. As vinyl, synthesizers, guitar, and other instruments collide inside a dryer set on overdrive to create the static filled, radioactive terrain of Ear Drung.
The opener “Illuminate/ Ear Drung” draws layers of shriveling, synth lines on top of shrill synth squeals and other indescribable mysteries. Once the layers begin to spill over, and the beat drops, Bizzart lets a shout of “Illuminate!” and begins to rattle off a fevered, high pitched verse. Yes, the music is bizarre on the record, but it only serves as a precursor to Bizzart’s “martian-being-strangeled” style of what is usually called rapping. He also has a flow unlike anything I’ve ever heard, making him seem sometimes like he is rattling off what he wrote, with no regard to the beat. He rarely rhymes, and at times shrieks, sings, and talks normally. He does absolutely everything in his might to destroy hip-hop, rapping, and aural decency, while keeping a beat that you can bob your head to. Usually.
“Protocol” sports a clean beat, with chimes and piano creating a nice atmosphere behind Bizzart’s clear vocals until a live free-jazz combo tears into the studio and rips apart the set while Accident manipulates the chaos with disruptive delay effects. Surprises are scattered throughout the album, as synthesized bullets ricochet across the un-easy terrain of “Pink Summer in Hell”, (which is one of the few songs with a discernable chorus) and guest rappers drop in from all over the place (Galaxalag of Soul-Junk, Zane of the Tunnel Rats, and Freedom80, namely.). Bizzart drops his best verse on “Infinite Zero”, which also features Zane spitting an amazing verse, making it one of the best songs on the record.
Indeed, the album seems to come to a head on the last two tracks as Bizzart unleashes some of his best verses, and Accident breaks open Pandora’s box as wave upon wave of noise-hop chaos ensues. Accident then switches gears on the closer “Negative Gravity/ Hummingbird Feeder” as atmospheric strings and fading wood chimes play over a small minimalist beat to compliment Bizzart and Freedom80 as they lay out the most affecting verses on the album. The song is subtle, making the lyrics the centerpiece, as words echo, and play backwards at times, yet still, somehow remain discernable.
Ear Drung is immensely complicated, overwhelmed with whole worlds of sounds, ensuring that most listeners will hear only noise and chaos. Bizzart’s vocals further complicate, and challenge the listener until one is left in completely unfamiliar territory. While it is uncomfortable and even un-pleasant at times, Ear Drung delivers un-conventional hip-hop at its finest.
DOA wants new music review writers, and I thinks I shall try my hand at it. (If any other music geek out there would like to do the same, check out, its Rochester based, and nerdishly updated daily.)
My plan is to post the review I'm going to send the editor of DOA as a sample of what I'm capable of. That is, mebbe you all could give me some grammer/english/structure pointers? Before I send in some complete peice of geek rambling, I'd like to refine it a tad. I have 3 reviews I've written. This one is somthing I just typed up about Bizzart. The other two are buried in the archives somewhere... (The Evan Anthem, and As I Lay Dying) I might look over those two, if I end up not liking this one. We'll see. I think, with a little work here and there, this one could work well. But its definitley 5 in the morning soo...
Let me know what you think of...
Bizzart: Ear Drung
Sounds Are Active, 2004
The very nature of experimental music makes it hit or miss. Some artists manage to create other worldly soundscapes and intelligent statements through experimental means, while others drag in the mud of pretentious avant-sound disasters. I appreciate the brave and rebellious souls who push boundaries and buttons, and are willing to take musical risks in order to create something original, while I curse the day some artists recorded their selfish indulgences.
That’s why reactions to Bizzart’s newest album Ear Drung will probably be of the "love it" or "hate it" variety. With no respect for preconceived notions of musical form, hip-hop, or complimentary sounds, Bizzart successfully tore me a new one. Using every strange sound source available, Accident, who produced the entire album, has created a noise filled hip-hop album that is so challenging, it becomes enjoyable. Sound abuse would be a good word to describe Accidents approach to creating tracks. As vinyl, synthesizers, guitar, and other instruments collide inside a dryer set on overdrive to create the static filled, radioactive terrain of Ear Drung.
The opener “Illuminate/ Ear Drung” draws layers of shriveling, synth lines on top of shrill synth squeals and other indescribable mysteries. Once the layers begin to spill over, and the beat drops, Bizzart lets a shout of “Illuminate!” and begins to rattle off a fevered, high pitched verse. Yes, the music is bizarre on the record, but it only serves as a precursor to Bizzart’s “martian-being-strangeled” style of what is usually called rapping. He also has a flow unlike anything I’ve ever heard, making him seem sometimes like he is rattling off what he wrote, with no regard to the beat. He rarely rhymes, and at times shrieks, sings, and talks normally. He does absolutely everything in his might to destroy hip-hop, rapping, and aural decency, while keeping a beat that you can bob your head to. Usually.
“Protocol” sports a clean beat, with chimes and piano creating a nice atmosphere behind Bizzart’s clear vocals until a live free-jazz combo tears into the studio and rips apart the set while Accident manipulates the chaos with disruptive delay effects. Surprises are scattered throughout the album, as synthesized bullets ricochet across the un-easy terrain of “Pink Summer in Hell”, (which is one of the few songs with a discernable chorus) and guest rappers drop in from all over the place (Galaxalag of Soul-Junk, Zane of the Tunnel Rats, and Freedom80, namely.). Bizzart drops his best verse on “Infinite Zero”, which also features Zane spitting an amazing verse, making it one of the best songs on the record.
Indeed, the album seems to come to a head on the last two tracks as Bizzart unleashes some of his best verses, and Accident breaks open Pandora’s box as wave upon wave of noise-hop chaos ensues. Accident then switches gears on the closer “Negative Gravity/ Hummingbird Feeder” as atmospheric strings and fading wood chimes play over a small minimalist beat to compliment Bizzart and Freedom80 as they lay out the most affecting verses on the album. The song is subtle, making the lyrics the centerpiece, as words echo, and play backwards at times, yet still, somehow remain discernable.
Ear Drung is immensely complicated, overwhelmed with whole worlds of sounds, ensuring that most listeners will hear only noise and chaos. Bizzart’s vocals further complicate, and challenge the listener until one is left in completely unfamiliar territory. While it is uncomfortable and even un-pleasant at times, Ear Drung delivers un-conventional hip-hop at its finest.
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Pop music rounds the bend.
Heard any good bands lately? While I am known for liking dork music, I have fallen prey to some pop music as of late. And I feel like mentioning it right now.
Anberlin- They've posted some new songs up, which have some great hooks. I mean, I am just bumping 'Paper Thin Hymn' over here. And its three in the morning. But this song has some serious rock tossed in it. Right next to some pop hooks that are classic Anberlin. It makes me want to squeeze a glass of wine till it breaks while crying. But thats just me, see for yourself.
Arkitekt- I found them on a sampler in the mud at cornerstone. Pop rock is not dead. This band has managed to win my affections despite having a singer who I dont like. I usually hate this kind of singer, but the songs themselves rised above my prejudices and forced me to order their album from lakeshore records. (check out 'Passenger Planes' and 'The Greatest Romances')
Mae- Their B-Sides album is pop perfection. They've channeled every ounce of their being into creating the best songs that the pop/emo genre has to offer. Beleive again.
Heard any good bands lately? While I am known for liking dork music, I have fallen prey to some pop music as of late. And I feel like mentioning it right now.
Anberlin- They've posted some new songs up, which have some great hooks. I mean, I am just bumping 'Paper Thin Hymn' over here. And its three in the morning. But this song has some serious rock tossed in it. Right next to some pop hooks that are classic Anberlin. It makes me want to squeeze a glass of wine till it breaks while crying. But thats just me, see for yourself.
Arkitekt- I found them on a sampler in the mud at cornerstone. Pop rock is not dead. This band has managed to win my affections despite having a singer who I dont like. I usually hate this kind of singer, but the songs themselves rised above my prejudices and forced me to order their album from lakeshore records. (check out 'Passenger Planes' and 'The Greatest Romances')
Mae- Their B-Sides album is pop perfection. They've channeled every ounce of their being into creating the best songs that the pop/emo genre has to offer. Beleive again.
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