Monday, November 08, 2004

No time to change.

So the weekend made me realize that some things need to change. Can't keep going like this. This is what makes mediocre people more mediocre. Things like this.

I came home tonight at 10:15. I talked with my dad till about 12:30. Now what I had planned on tonight, was doing laundry so I could wear somthing clean tomorrow. and clearing off a space on my desk so I could have a spot to read and write at. That didn't happen at all because I was catching up with my pops, and really just having a good conversation. (which doesn't always happen, sometimes he just talks about random stuff and I fall asleep)

Now this is my manifesto: That in the choice between clean laundry and my father, I will always choose my father. And If that girl next to me in class thinks I smell funny, she is just going to have to deal with it.


Anonymous said...

or maybe you'll get lucky and the girl next to you will like that funny cornchip/dirty sock smell....

Tom said...

How did you know that thats what my dirty clothes smell like? you creepy, creepy thing you.

Tom said...

Yes everyone, I am that deep.

(im kidding, the double meaning was un-intentional.)