Monday, April 28, 2003

So my weekend happened. On saturday morning, I was doing my laundry one minute, and the next i was napping with Paul G. and Rob, listening to Coldplay. Im still trying to figure out how that happened. Lots of stuff happened before that however, like me jim joel paul rob and liam all galavanting around town, Chase Pitkin, Goodwill. Nothing was sacred. We went to Wal-Mart where paul chased me around the store the entire time, (he was mad for some dumb reason....doughnuts, throwing, head, you get the idea) so finally we escaped and came home....where we ate. And chilled owt.
Sunday found me fighting brian with these foam swords, ending with a thrust to the eye for me....I look like I got in a fight now...with my eye all scraped and puffy. Whatever, it justs adds to my thug apeal, which is in abundance today, trust me. The Bramble never lies....

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