Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Avengers! Assemble!

So lately I have been reading a book called Blue Like Jazz, and another book called Travelling Mercies One is by Don Miller, and the other by Anne Lamott. Both are very good, honest books about christian spirituality. Or whatever. You should really check them out if your interested in that sort of thing. Other than that it has been comic books. Thats right. The Avengers, Captain America, Young Avengers, and House Of M have all found their way into my hands recently. Its getting pretty bad. And by that I mean good. Whenever I buy comics it feels like a secret pleasure that only I feel. It starts with seeing new cool looking comics with big muscular spectacular heroes on the cover, then I nearly squeal with joy as I run upstairs to my bedroom, knowing that soon, my wide, child like eyes will read about the adventures of... some fantastic super hero. Heres a rundown:

The New Avengers:(#1-8) well after some disasturous event, some of the team members died, and the rest quit. Well now, Captain America and Iron Man are assembling a new team. Which so far is awesome. It features none other than Spider Man (!), Luke Cage, Spider Woman, Wolverine (!!!), and of course Captain America, and Iron Man. I mean dang. This is one of the Worlds Greatest Comic Magazines after all. So far they uncovering some huge plot that involves S.H.E.I.L.D. and some huge coverup thing. They've fought over 90 villians at a prison break, Electro, Sauron, and The Wrecker. Oh man, the Wrecker nearly beat the half of the team he was fighting. Nearly.

House of M #1 This is the begining of the big summer marvel blockbuster. So far, the Avengers and the X-Men teamed up to go decide weather or not to put down the Scarlet Witch, whose powers are on the fritz. When they arrive, Magneto, her father, has taken her away somewhere... and when they arrive at her supposed location, everything goes white. Spider man wakes up later....married to a different woman than MJ!!! Cliff hanger!

In other news, Johnny, my brother will be filling in for paul at the show thats on the 16th... so that will be FUN times. I hope to see you two there.

1 comment:

83princess said...

I have heard of "Blue Like Jazz".
Is it any good? Wait, you Blogged about it, so I am guessing it must be good.
I think you should write your own comic magazine...it would be one I would buy.