Wednesday, May 25, 2005

So much to say.

School is finally, completely done with. I am most likely graduating. Now I can at last focus on some music without any collegiate worries. (until i go for my next 2 years) Epilogue played a show at the penny last saturday that went horribly. It involved joel and brice coughing up 250 dollars, a surly, hungover soundman (with haste the day gym shorts) and a guitar, being played by myself that was tuned a half step off.

Joel and Brice got their money back by the end of the night luckily, but that didn't save our nerves. Alethes Metanoia rocked the house however. It was good to see someone do well. And of course Save Us did their thing. Which is... rocking.

Other than that, there are other big things going on. Thats right people you can preorder sufjan stevens new album for 10 bucks, and it will ship weeks earlier than it's july 5th release date. (check asthamtic kitty . com for that) THAT is big news my friends. If you didn't know, sufjan is a genious. Here is where you can find a new song by him. Please, if you have never heard him before, take a listen or two to that song. Music is supposed to sound like that.

Also, Joy Electric is putting out a 7 inch on republic of texas records. This will be our, (mines and paul's i mean) first taste of what his new album will sound like. I know what your thinking, "it will sound just like his other billion records you nerd.." But alas, you ears are too bone-headed and thick to pick up on the subtle differences of the sugary, delicate bleeps and bloops that make up Ronnie Martin's soul in audible form, try though you may.

Joy Electric Dot Com.


Unavail said...

Tom, I love ya man.


Tom said...

Shout out to my Yoslin Ninjahs. All my respect is really going out to yall lets go to the dojo later and stretch our thight muscles. Lord knows we haven't done that in a long ways.

Anonymous said...

Tom! Emily and I are going to be in Rochester this weekend.... Saturday night and Sunday. We should hang out.

Tom said...

Hey Renee!

If you and emily would like, you could see my band play at Joel's house. We are going to be playing in his backyard in the woods by his half pipe. Its his sister's graduation party but the family said ANYONE can come. And that means YOU.

The problem is I don't know the address or the street, i just know how to get there.

And the show is at 9pm, the party is at 7pm. you can show up anytime in there...

its in penfeild... ummm.. you can call my house, and if i'm not there, then you could ask them how to get to the dow's house. My mom will be able to give you easy directions....

sorry this is so last minute... you know how it is...

Tom said...


i forgot to mention that.

Anonymous said...

Well... Emily and I ended up not going to Rochester for the weekend. My dad needs to go this coming weekend, so we decided last minute to just go with him. We're really sorry we missed your show, we would have definately gone. Hopefully we will get to see you next weekend though, I'll let you know when for sure we will be there (and this time we will be, for sure).

Anonymous said...

we really did go to Rochester this past weekend, but we were only there for 2 hours. we're just one big disappointment, eh? we are going to be in Rochester on Tuesday on our way to Cornerstone, maybe we can all hang out then. We'll see how it goes. And, if you could let Joel know, that coffin chair he fell in love with is all his if he wants it!

Tom said...

Hey Mike! I know you, your website just confused me and all. Hope things are going well and man is it neat to know that your making music. Put some up online sometime and we can swap some homemade tunes. Soon, some stuff I'm doing will be up. well hopefully. anyways good to hear from you. August 30th, theres a new Joy Electric. And I don't think I need to mention the lifechanging experience that "Illinois" is by Sufjan. How I envy that you, in fact live in that state, sufjan's best work yet, is about your own soil. sigh. Have a great day.