Sunday, October 24, 2004

Last night, Delusions of Adequacy, (one of my favorite online music zines) put on a show with a couple bands. It was at the Visual Studies Workshop, which turned out to be this ancient building that had a bunch of political documentary videos playing upstairs. Anyways, I was happy because I got to meet the guy who runs the site I visit EVERY DAY. (Because it reviews Five, yes five albums a day you fools) Unfortately there weren't many people there. I noticed that at the begining, but torwards the end, the quality of the music rose significantly, and it became a crime that more of my friends weren't there. I had no idea. I would have dragged more people there had I known. The openers were two little folk groups. They were alright, I was down with the lap steel and the whistle bridge that the band Hula provided. But then Saeta got on, and blew everyone away. Well they blew me and Joel away anyways. The band is a pianist, a celloist, and a guitarist, which gives them a unique sound from the get go. They were older than I expected, and have been playing together for five years. Their sound was rich, beautiful adult pop. Adequacy said "chamber pop music" but I like adult pop. They were able to conjur up feelings, and intensity I haven't felt in a live show since Unwed Sailor and frigging Ester Drang at Cornerstone. Absolutely fantastic. I told them that afterwards too. Then came the shocker of the evening. Tarantula. A band that sounded tame on the samples on the internet, but after the first song, me and Joel knew the truth. They don't play games. The band was a four peice, drums, guitar, violin, and cello. The guitarist and the celloist had a slew of effects pedals, which they used to actually enhance their music in interesting ways, rather than obscure it, or endulge in some unlistenable, artistic, feedback laden experiement. The drummer played a ton of other instuments, notably the glockenspeil, sometimes simotaniously with his drums. (which, yes, was sick.) The band's actual sound was a strange mix of classical, and progressive rock, with a lil math-rock thrown in here and there. They were all over the place, adding extra beats where shouldn't be, trading melodies between the violin, guitar, cello and glockenspeil. Starting polyrythmic showdowns between a cowbell, handclaps, and drums. Just in general doing everything right and nothing wrong. I was instantly pissed off that I hadn't dragged my friends here against their will. It really was, me and Joel later decided, one of the best shows we have ever seen in Rochester. Stuff like this just usually doesn't happen round here. There was a point during the night, where Racheal, was leaving and Joel either had to go or I would have to drive him home. I told him i would drive him, not realizing the sickness of Tarantula that we were about to see. Afterwards I told him that had I not agreed to drive him home later, and had seen Tarantula alone, it would have been have been the end of our freindship. How could I look at him again knowing that I held him back from that? Luckily I didnt. Luckily I only have to work for 3 hours this morning. I'll see you all later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutly 100% correct, I know manny of you may not listen to tom when he goes off endlessly ramboling about music, but this time he speaks the absolute truth!
it's a good thing we can still be friends.