Monday, May 31, 2004

I've been noodling around with some online games lately. I've discovered a genius game designer named On who runs a bizarre site called He has some of the most original and incredibly entertaining games I've ever come across. The concepts alone are worth checking out. Heres a rundown of some of his stuff.

Tontie ver. B: a game that uses the number pad to the right of your keyboard to thwack one eyed tonties that pop up a series of trapdoors that correspond to the numbers. Absolutely addictive. I haven't come close to beating this thing.

Grow! : a game that consists of nothing more than a globe that you place objects on. Each object affects certain other objects, causing them to "level up" and morph into different things. You have 12 objects and each has something like 7 levels to get to. Good luck.

Zip Bear Town! : a site he made for some incredibly weird Japanese TV show or something. There's all kinds of weird things on here. A list of characters, movies, and games that are indescribable and entirely in Japanese, which makes them hilarious to play because it's mostly guesswork. I figured out how to play one of them sort of... but I don't know the name of it.
I dare you to click on this music video thing. Imagine if I made a cartoon about some care bear telletubbie. It would be much like this. God help us all.

Vanilla ver. B : A game where you stack these tree monsters on top of eachother every time you click on them from top to bottom. Where you click them determines how they lean... Should they sway and touch the wall, you lose. See how high you can stack them! yay!


Anonymous said...

well tom, i have played ever game that you put on this little blog thingy here. and thank God that you did. its a slow day at work. and i can stack tree monster up to 25.1 ft, after that i would have to scroll up and i dont have a scrolly thingy wheelly thing on my mouse so had to just stop. and grow is just so hard, cant make perfict world. oh and by the way i have read ever blog that you posted today. its that slow my freind. that slow. i love the one where i beat you in table hocky, that was a fun day. any how i thinking of starting my own blog, if only i could spell, speel, you know. what ever.
on second thought i think that im way to boring to blog.
and no call. what the deal.
se you around bro

Anonymous said...

i just beat grow. everthing at max levels. my job is so boring

Tom said...

Dear James
I am both happy and disturbed that you beat grow. you sick freak. You have now joined the ranks of nerdom previously only enjoyed by zack. Not even sammy T could get them all to max. Congrats. I think i will now either post a music review, or find some more games for you to play.

keeping it terrrifyingly real, Tom.