Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Hello my one faithful reader. If there is even one.
In an effort to revive my blogging habits Im going to compile a "Best of" section, this will enlighten all who think they know everything there is to know about the Birth of the tom (and the death of fashion therof). and those of you who really honestly do know the tom, well this will be a fond reminder of all we've shared, and suffered through.

The Best of Tomisthecrap:

-"we all ended up in Brians nest watching him defeat Ling Poo.." -Feb 2nd.
who could forget that day? actually that happened so often it could be anyday...it just so happens that this particular time, we had just seen the Neo-Furturists. Go figure.

-"Today, my deodorant ran out, and I was reminded that nothing lasts forever in this world. Not even Tom's All Natural Woodspice. Sigh. I still have my Old Spice High Endurance Fresh though, so all is not lost." Feb 11th
One of my most heartfelt blogs ever. and even though it was written at the begining of this year, it still resonates today, as a powerful testement to man's brevity of life. Lets take another quote from that one.
-"what Im trying to say is dont take your deodorant for granted. Cuz, one day my freind, that big stick will gone, and you'll be left with an empty husk of what once was.
Savor it. "

-"Hey Guys, my name's Tom
I'm the new crack
I'm all like fashion and stuff
I'm a woman
Femmanin to the maxety-maxest possible.
" Feb 26 03
No matter how many times I say this was not written by me, ppl still think it was. And indeed, it is one of Paul Scotas raw talents, to impersonate others so well. Who can forget his "Coach z/ my dad" impersonation, or how about the classic "Arnold" accent he does so well? well my freinds we may now add his "tom lake" to the list of his cherished personas.

-"it was ultra-hotness. like imagine-me-in-purple-thermal-wear-hotness. thats the kind of thing im talking about." -Apr 7th '03
This is one of those quotes that I found tremendously ammusing, but whenever i mention it to any of my freinds, I get o sort of accomadating smile, or nod, and a quick subject change. Perhaps the subject of my body holds some difficult facts for some people, or perhaps the thought of me in thermal wear is too much for some, however I would like to point out that it is this same thermal wear that would later become the famed (or notorious) Mothman costume.

-"Today, I came downstairs after reading a Flannery O'Connor story, rumaged in the fridge, and shook my socks in the air, caught up in the throughs of manhood. Meanwhile my mom and Sue looked with the bewilderment that women get when looking at something extremely masculine. So masculine that they can barely detect it. Like when you blow those dog whistles and nobody hears it but the dog. Yea that was like this. Except ...you know im the dog....and my ...socks...are the ..nevermind. - Feb 27th
this quote needs to commentary. It stands alone as a powerful description of masculinity in action and progress.

-"I finished my Doctor Who book this morning...what a satifying feeling to know that a fictitous universe has once again been saved by an eccentric man who travels in a machine that looks like a telephone booth." Feb 4th '03
Doctor Who....how long has it been my old freind?

-""Don't freak with a puppet on a pilgrimage." he said. The bear's dying eyes widened as he understood. His last words were too faint for Jack to make out, but they sounded apologetic. He picked up the shards of clay and laid them on the dead bear's chest in the shape of a roman cross.
Jack then continued his journey, his strings reaching up into the heavens, and his wooden joints moving as directed"
Feb 27th
This story still lies in the back of mind. Begging for an explination, or a continuation....

-"The other night I unleashed Tom Lake's Heavy Metal Onslaught apon the kitchen and my un-suspecting parents. I did this my holding my amp above my head and screaming sentances with words in it like "Hot", "Death", and "Tom Lake" in them. My parents didn't seem to get it though...and kept on talking about ebay and hunting gear and pottery.
Boy did they miss out.
" -Apr 25th
I am proud of that moment. Its like a son to me.

-"they transformed into their ninja megazords, and rocked his candy, causing Dustin, the Yellow Ranger, to exclaim "Crustacian Detonation!" as if we all couldn't see the shelfish monster explode..." Apr 26th '03
The power rangers still have an inexplicable grip on my mind.

-"Sunday found me fighting brian with these foam swords, ending with a thrust to the eye for me....I look like I got in a fight now...with my eye all scraped and puffy. Whatever, it justs adds to my thug apeal, which is in abundance today, trust me. The Bramble never lies...."
Sometimes, you have to just let it go, and be hot.

-"Ive got 4 albums this week.....i need to slow down...i just can't stop buying the music. it calls to me in my sleep Come, Thomas...purchace me baby...im on sale... and so on. So does B.S. but thats another story. and another blog. " May 14th
How many sleepless nights, BS, will your soft voice haunt me?

-"maybe its time we all threw our razors of discontentment away and let our wild, un fashionable hairs grow in where ever they darn well please.
Death to fashion. Bring back the Hair
."May 16th
Deal with it.

-"So today amounted to me and Liam and Booster and Andy all playing video games. It sounds like it sucked. But it was awesome. Details would only detract from the experience, trust me. The only thing thats worth mentioning is that my lil bro mike called me hot today and Kate remarked that Russo looked adorable driving his car. mercy.-May 26th
Look up the original version in the Archives for the funny links. (like clicking on kate, or andy driving his car)

ok folks its time for class, I will undoubtably post more best of quotes from the archive, at a later date. Be safe.

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